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1   /**
2    * 2008, Digitalis Informatica. All rights reserved. Distribuicao e Gestao de Informatica, Lda. Estrada de Paco de Arcos
3    * num.9 - Piso -1 2780-666 Paco de Arcos Telefone: (351) 21 4408990 Fax: (351) 21 4408999
4    */
6   package pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters.rules;
8   import java.util.ArrayList;
9   import java.util.Arrays;
10  import java.util.List;
12  import pt.digitalis.dif.controller.http.HTTPConstants;
13  import pt.digitalis.dif.dem.interfaces.ICustomFormDefinition;
14  import pt.digitalis.dif.dem.interfaces.IStageInstance;
15  import pt.digitalis.dif.dem.managers.ICustomFormManager;
16  import pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.FeatureState;
17  import pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.FormFieldCustomization;
18  import pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters.IEditableParameter;
19  import pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters.IParameter;
20  import pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters.types.AbstractParameter;
21  import pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters.types.BooleanParameter;
22  import pt.digitalis.dif.exception.objects.ParameterException;
23  import pt.digitalis.dif.ioc.DIFIoCRegistry;
25  /**
26   * Dependent parameter rule. Validates that the parameter list can only be selected hen this parameter is filled.
27   * 
28   * @author Pedro Viegas <a href=""></a><br/>
29   * @param <T>
30   *            the parameter base type
31   * @created Mar 31, 2009
32   */
33  public class ParameterRuleDependent<T> extends AbstractParameterRule<T> {
35      /**
36       * @param stage
37       * @param valid
38       * @param initializationInProgress
39       * @return The ParameterRuleResult
40       */
41      @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
42      private ParameterRuleResult getErrorMessage(IStageInstance stage, boolean valid, boolean initializationInProgress)
43      {
44          List<IParameter> invalidParameters = new ArrayList<IParameter>();
46          if (stage != null)
47          {
48              // Get custom form configuration if present
49              ICustomFormDefinition customFormDef = null;
50              FormFieldCustomization customFormFieldDef = null;
51              String formSubmitName = (String) stage.getContext().getRequest()
52                      .getParameter(HTTPConstants.FORM_SUBMIT_NAME);
53              String formConfigID = (String) stage.getContext().getRequest()
54                      .getParameter(HTTPConstants.FORM_SUBMIT__CONFIG_BUSINESS_ID);
55              boolean hasCheckedForCustomForm = false;
57              for (String parameterID: getParameters())
58              {
59                  IParameter param = null;
60                  boolean skipValidation = false;
62                  try
63                  {
64                      param = stage.getParameters().getAllAvailableParameters().getParameter(parameterID);
66                      if (param == null)
67                          throw new ParameterException("Parameter does not exist: " + parameterID, null, null);
69                      boolean parameterIsFromForm = false;
70                      String paramFormName = param.getFormLinked();
72                      if (paramFormName != null && formSubmitName != null)
73                          parameterIsFromForm = paramFormName.equals(formSubmitName);
75                      // Form parameter that has a configuration active (as submitted by the form)
76                      if (parameterIsFromForm && param.isFormConfigurable())
77                      {
78                          if (!hasCheckedForCustomForm)
79                          {
80                              customFormDef = DIFIoCRegistry.getRegistry().getImplementation(ICustomFormManager.class)
81                                      .getConfiguration(stage, formConfigID);
82                              hasCheckedForCustomForm = true;
83                          }
85                          if (customFormDef != null)
86                          {
87                              customFormFieldDef = customFormDef.getCustomizedParameters().get(
88                                      param.getId().toLowerCase());
90                              if (customFormFieldDef != null)
91                              {
92                                  if (customFormFieldDef.getMandatory() != FeatureState.DEFAULT)
93                                      ((IEditableParameter) param)
94                                              .setRequired(customFormFieldDef.getMandatory() == FeatureState.ON);
96                                  if (customFormDef.getExcludedParameters().contains(param.getId()))
97                                      skipValidation = true;
98                              }
99                          }
100                     }
102                     if (!skipValidation)
103                     {
104                         boolean isBoolean = (param instanceof BooleanParameter);
106                         if (initializationInProgress)
107                             param.refreshParameterValue(stage);
109                         if (valid)
110                         {
111                             if (param.isRequired())
112                             {
113                                 // Has required constraint, thus must be filled...
114                                 if ((!isBoolean && param.getValue(stage.getContext()) == null)
115                                         || (isBoolean && !param.getValueAsBoolean(stage.getContext())))
116                                     invalidParameters.add(param);
117                             }
118                         }
119                         else
120                         {
121                             if ((!isBoolean && param.getValue(stage.getContext()) != null)
122                                     || (isBoolean && param.getValueAsBoolean(stage.getContext())))
123                                 invalidParameters.add(param);
124                         }
125                     }
127                 }
128                 catch (ParameterException e)
129                 {
130                     if (param != null)
131                         invalidParameters.add(param);
132                 }
133             }
134         }
136         if (stage == null || invalidParameters.isEmpty())
137             return new ParameterRuleResult(true);
138         else
139         {
140             StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
142             if (invalidParameters.size() == 1)
143                 buffer.append(this.getMessages(stage).get("field") + " ");
144             else
145                 buffer.append(this.getMessages(stage).get("fieldPlural") + " ");
147             int count = 0;
148             for (IParameter invalidParam: invalidParameters)
149             {
150                 stage.getContext().getRequest().addParameter(invalidParam.getId(), null);
151                 invalidParam.setValue(null, stage, true);
153                 if (count > 0)
154                     buffer.append(", ");
156                 buffer.append("\"" + getParameterName(stage, invalidParam.getId()) + "\"");
157                 count++;
158             }
160             if (valid)
161             {
162                 // No need to validate fields since the dependent parameter passed the rule
163                 if (invalidParameters.size() == 1)
164                     buffer.append(" " + this.getMessages(stage).get("mustBeFilledWhen") + " ");
165                 else
166                     buffer.append(" " + this.getMessages(stage).get("mustBeFilledWhenPlural") + " ");
168                 buffer.append("\"" + getParameterName(stage, parameterID) + "\"");
170                 if (getValue() != null)
171                     buffer.append(" " + this.getMessages(stage).get("is") + " "
172                             + (super.getDescriptionValue() != null ? super.getDescriptionValue() : super.getValue()));
173                 else if (getStartValue() != null && getEndValue() != null)
174                     buffer.append(" "
175                             + this.getMessages(stage).get("isBetween")
176                             + " "
177                             + (super.getDescriptionStartValue() != null ? super.getDescriptionStartValue() : super
178                                     .getStartValue().toString())
179                             + " "
180                             + this.getMessages(stage).get("and")
181                             + " "
182                             + (super.getDescriptionEndValue() != null ? super.getDescriptionEndValue() : super
183                                     .getEndValue().toString()));
184                 return new ParameterRuleResult(buffer.toString());
185             }
186             else
187             {
188                 if (invalidParameters.size() == 1)
189                     buffer.append(" " + this.getMessages(stage).get("canBeFilledIf") + " ");
190                 else
191                     buffer.append(" " + this.getMessages(stage).get("canBeFilledIfPlural") + " ");
193                 buffer.append("\"" + getParameterName(stage, parameterID) + "\"");
195                 if (getValue() != null)
196                     buffer.append(" " + this.getMessages(stage).get("is") + " "
197                             + (super.getDescriptionValue() != null ? super.getDescriptionValue() : super.getValue()));
198                 else if (getStartValue() != null && getEndValue() != null)
199                     buffer.append(" "
200                             + this.getMessages(stage).get("isBetween")
201                             + " "
202                             + (super.getDescriptionStartValue() != null ? super.getDescriptionStartValue() : super
203                                     .getStartValue().toString())
204                             + " "
205                             + this.getMessages(stage).get("and")
206                             + " "
207                             + (super.getDescriptionEndValue() != null ? super.getDescriptionEndValue() : super
208                                     .getEndValue().toString()));
209                 else
210                     buffer.append(" " + this.getMessages(stage).get("isFilled"));
212                 return new ParameterRuleResult(buffer.toString());
213             }
214         }
215     }
217     /**
218      * Gets the validation result for the present parameter
219      * 
220      * @param stage
221      *            the current stage
222      * @param value
223      *            the value to validate
224      * @param initializationInProgress
225      *            T if called within the dif parameter initialization
226      * @param parameter
227      *            the parameter to validate
228      * @return the validation rule validation result
229      * @throws ParameterException
230      *             if the parameter does not exist
231      */
232     public ParameterRuleResult getValidationResult(IStageInstance stage, T value, boolean initializationInProgress,
233             AbstractParameter<T> parameter) throws ParameterException
234     {
235         // Calculate if the current value validates the rule parameters
236         boolean valid = false;
238         if (getValue() != null)
239         {
240             if (parameter instanceof BooleanParameter && value == null)
241                 valid = getValue().equals("false");
242             else
243             {
244                 if (getValue().contains(","))
245                 {
246                     List<String> list = Arrays.asList(getValue().split(","));
247                     valid = (value != null && list.contains(value.toString()));
248                 }
249                 else
250                     valid = (value != null && getValue().equals(value.toString()));
251             }
252         }
253         else if (getStartValue() != null && getEndValue() != null)
254         {
255             // TODO: Implement this: Comparison for any object?!?!?
256             valid = value != null
257                     && (getStartValue().compareTo(value.toString()) <= 0 && getEndValue().compareTo(value.toString()) >= 0);
258         }
259         else
260             valid = (value != null);
262         return getErrorMessage(stage, valid, initializationInProgress);
264     }
265 }