
Description: A link element to a given stage. Validating the current user access to it.

JavaDoc: Click here

Remarks: If the user has no access to the stage it renders a simple text with the name of the stage or nothing according to the "showDescriptionWhenNoAccess" parameter value.
The parameters must be passed in a String in the following format: "param1=value, param2=value, ...".

Body content: Empty. All enclosed content will be ignored.


Name Description Data type Required Default value
cssClass The class to use in the rendered link. String No -
stageID The id of the stage to link to. String No The default home stage.
description The text for the link. String No The description or id of the stage
parameters A map of parameters to pass to the component stage String No -
showDescriptionWhenNoAccess False will omit rendering if the user does not have access to the stage Boolean No True
noTabIndex If we want to omit the tab index attribute Boolean No False
popup A configuration string for popupMode activation String No -
confirmation Displays a default message to confirm the user operation Boolean No False, unless confirmationMessage is set
confirmationMessage Custom message for the confirmation message String No -


    <dif:stageLink cssClass="homepage" />
    <dif:stageLink stageID="someStage" />

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