Package pt.digitalis.dif.controller.interfaces

Interface Summary
IAuthenticationPlugin Defines the Authentication integrations API
IChAL<RequestType,ResponseType> AbstractChAL stands for Channel Abstraction Layer and as the name implies it's purpose is to insulate the framework from the transport channel used by the original request.
IControllerCleanupTask Declares a contribution for any clean up tasks needed to execute upon every controller execution
IDIFContext This interface hides some DIFContext details from the Stage.
IDIFDispatcher Defines a default interface for DIFDispatchers.
IDIFRequest Defines the expected behavior for a DIF request.
IDIFResponse Defines the expected behavior for a DIF response.
IDIFSession Defines a public accessible DIF Session
IDispatcherErrorHandler Defines an error handler for the Controller errors and resulting actions
INavigationHistory Tracks all navigation history for a single session
IPrivateDIFSession Defines a public accessible DIF Session

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