Uses of Class

Packages that use Entity

Uses of Entity in pt.digitalis.dif.codegen.util

Methods in pt.digitalis.dif.codegen.util that return Entity
static Entity EntityUtils.getEntityType(pt.digitalis.utils.bytecode.holders.ClassHolder clazz)
          Returns the type of the entity type of the passed argument.

Uses of Entity in pt.digitalis.dif.controller.objects

Methods in pt.digitalis.dif.controller.objects with parameters of type Entity
 boolean DIFUserInSession.canAccess(Entity resourceType, String resourceId)

Uses of Entity in

Methods in with parameters of type Entity
 boolean IAuthorizationManager.grantAccessToGroup(String groupID, Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Grants a group with access to a given stage.
 boolean IAuthorizationManager.grantAccessToPublic(Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Grants the public with access to a given stage.
 boolean IAuthorizationManager.grantAccessToUser(String userID, Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Grants a user with access to a given stage.
 boolean IAuthorizationManager.grantDefaultAccessToGroup(String groupID, Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Grants a group with default access to a given stage.
 boolean IAuthorizationManager.grantDefaultAccessToUser(String userID, Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Grants a user with default access to a given stage.
 boolean IAuthorizationManager.grantDefaultPublicAccess(Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Grants with default public access to a given stage.
 boolean IAuthorizationManager.hasAccessGroup(IDIFGroup group, Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Checks if a group can access a given stage.
 boolean IAuthorizationManager.hasAccessPublic(Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Checks if the public can access to a given entity identified with a type and ID.
 boolean IAuthorizationManager.hasAccessUser(IDIFUser user, Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Checks if a user can access to a given entity identified with a type and ID.
 boolean IAuthorizationManager.revokeAccessFromGroup(String groupID, Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Revokes the access of a group to a given stage.
 boolean IAuthorizationManager.revokeAccessFromPublic(Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Revokes the public access to a given stage.
 boolean IAuthorizationManager.revokeAccessFromUser(String userID, Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Revokes the access of a user to a given stage.

Uses of Entity in

Methods in with parameters of type Entity
protected  boolean AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.checkAccessToGroup(IDIFGroup group, Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Check for access grants
protected  boolean AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.checkAccessUser(IDIFUser user, Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Check for access grants
protected  boolean AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.checkGroupDirectAccess(IDIFGroup group, Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Check if a group has access granted to entity
protected  boolean AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.checkUserDirectAccess(IDIFUser user, Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Implementation if a non-hierarchical check for direct access grants
protected  ACLEntry AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.createGroupACLEntry(String groupID, String entityID, Entity entityType)
          Creates an ACL entry for a group.
protected  ACLEntry AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.createPublicACLEntry(String entityID, Entity entityType)
          Creates a public ACL entry for a given entity.
protected  ACLEntry AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.createUserACLEntry(String userID, String entityID, Entity entityType)
          Creates an ACL entry for a user.
protected  boolean AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.doHasAccessPublic(Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Implementation if a non-hierarchical check for access grants
 boolean AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.grantAccessToGroup(String groupID, Entity entityType, String entityID)
 boolean AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.grantAccessToPublic(Entity entityType, String entityID)
 boolean AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.grantAccessToUser(String userID, Entity entityType, String entityID)
 boolean AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.grantDefaultAccessToGroup(String groupID, Entity entityType, String entityID)
 boolean AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.grantDefaultAccessToUser(String userID, Entity entityType, String entityID)
 boolean AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.grantDefaultPublicAccess(Entity entityType, String entityID)
 boolean AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.hasAccessGroup(IDIFGroup group, Entity entityType, String entityID)
 boolean AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.hasAccessPublic(Entity entityType, String entityID)
 boolean AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.hasAccessUser(IDIFUser user, Entity entityType, String entityID)
 boolean AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.revokeAccessFromGroup(String groupID, Entity entityType, String entityID)
 boolean AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.revokeAccessFromPublic(Entity entityType, String entityID)
 boolean AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.revokeAccessFromUser(String userID, Entity entityType, String entityID)

Uses of Entity in

Methods in that return Entity
 Entity ACLEntry.getEntityType()
          Returns the entity type.
static Entity ACLEntry.getEntityTypeFromName(String entityName)
          Converts an entity name to the appropriate Entity.

Methods in with parameters of type Entity
 boolean IUserAuthorization.canAccess(Entity resourceType, String resourceId)
          Checks if the user can access a given resource.
 boolean DIFUserImpl.canAccess(Entity resourceType, String resourceId)
static String ACLEntry.getTypeNameFromEntity(Entity entity)
          Converts an Entity to it's type name.
 void ACLEntry.setEntityType(Entity entityType)
          Sets the entity type.

Uses of Entity in pt.digitalis.dif.dem

Methods in pt.digitalis.dif.dem that return Entity
static Entity Entity.getEntityTypeFromClass(pt.digitalis.utils.bytecode.holders.ClassHolder clazz)
          Returns the Entity type of annotated class, null if no valid entity annotation is found.
static Entity Entity.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static Entity[] Entity.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in pt.digitalis.dif.dem with parameters of type Entity
static IEntity DEMRegistryImpl.addEntity(Entity entityType, pt.digitalis.utils.bytecode.holders.ClassHolder clazz)
          Registers a provider.
static String Entity.getID(Entity type, String id)
          The ID builder utility method.

Uses of Entity in pt.digitalis.dif.dem.config

Methods in pt.digitalis.dif.dem.config with parameters of type Entity
 void IDEMRegistrator.excludeEntities(Entity entityType, List<String> entities)
          Exclude the list of entities to exclude from the load process
 void DEMRegistratorImpl.excludeEntities(Entity entityType, List<String> entities)
 List<String> IDEMRegistrator.getEntitiesToExclude(Entity entityType)
          Get the list of entities to be exclude from the DEM load process
 List<String> DEMRegistratorImpl.getEntitiesToExclude(Entity entityType)

Uses of Entity in pt.digitalis.dif.dem.managers

Methods in pt.digitalis.dif.dem.managers with parameters of type Entity
 void IRegistrationManager.addToRegistry(Entity type, String entityID, String name, boolean registrable)
          Adds a new record to the registry.
 MessageList IMessageManager.collectEntityMessagesFromRepository(Entity type, Object instance)
          Collect entity messages from resource LanguageID, MessageID, theMessageObject
 MessageList IMessageManager.collectEntityMessagesFromRepository(Entity type, String id, String className, String parentID)
          Collect entity messages from resource LanguageID, MessageID, theMessageObject
 IEntity IDEMManager.getEntity(Entity type, String entityID)
          Returns the entity with the given id
 MessageList IMessageManager.getMessageList(Entity type, IEntity entity)
          Gets the messages from the repository and collects them on first use
 IParameter<?> IParameterManager.getParameter(Entity entityType, String entityID, String parameterID)
          Return a parameter for the given entity
 ParameterList IParameterManager.getParameters(Entity entityType, String entityID)
          Return the parameters for the given entity

Uses of Entity in pt.digitalis.dif.dem.managers.impl

Methods in pt.digitalis.dif.dem.managers.impl with parameters of type Entity
 void RegistrationManagerImpl.addToRegistry(Entity type, String entityID, String name, boolean registrable)
 MessageList MessageManagerImpl.collectEntityMessagesFromRepository(Entity type, Object instance)
 MessageList MessageManagerImpl.collectEntityMessagesFromRepository(Entity type, String id, String className, String parentID)
 IEntity DEMManagerImpl.getEntity(Entity type, String entityID)
 MessageList AbstractMessageManager.getMessageList(Entity type, IEntity entity)
          Gets the messages from the repository and collects them on first use
 IParameter<?> ParameterManagerImpl.getParameter(Entity entityType, String entityID, String parameterID)
 ParameterList ParameterManagerImpl.getParameters(Entity entityType, String entityID)

Uses of Entity in pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters

Methods in pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters that return Entity
 Entity IParameter.getParentType()

Methods in pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters with parameters of type Entity
 void IParameter.forceInitialize(boolean allowAnonymous, Map<String,IParameterConstraint> constraints, T defaultValue, String formLinked, String id, ParameterScope parameterScope, String parentID, Entity parentType, boolean persistToRepository, boolean readonly, boolean referencedInARuleFromAnotherParameter, boolean required, boolean formConfigurable, List<IParameterRule<T>> rules, Map<String,IParameterValidator> validators, T value)
          Parameter Initializer.
 void IParameter.initialize(String id, Entity parentType, String parentID, boolean formConfigurable, boolean persistToRepository, boolean allowAnonymousAccess, ParameterScope parameterScope, String defaultValue, String constraintDefinition, Map<String,IParameterValidator> validators, List<IParameterRule<T>> rules)
          Parameter Initializer.

Uses of Entity in pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters.types

Methods in pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters.types that return Entity
 Entity AbstractParameter.getParentType()

Methods in pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters.types with parameters of type Entity
 void AbstractParameter.forceInitialize(boolean allowAnonymous, Map<String,IParameterConstraint> constraints, T defaultValue, String formLinked, String id, ParameterScope parameterScope, String parentID, Entity parentType, boolean persistToRepository, boolean readonly, boolean referencedInARuleFromAnotherParameter, boolean required, boolean formConfigurable, List<IParameterRule<T>> rules, Map<String,IParameterValidator> validators, T value)
 void AbstractParameter.initialize(String id, Entity parentType, String parentID, boolean formConfigurable, boolean persistToRepository, boolean allowAnonymousAccess, ParameterScope parameterScope, String defaultValue, String constraintDefinition, Map<String,IParameterValidator> validators, List<IParameterRule<T>> rules)

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