Package pt.digitalis.dif.dem.interfaces

Interface Summary
IApplication This interface represents an Application entity on the DEM.
IApplicationConfiguration This interface represents an Application configuration, that will be execute before the application init method.
IApplicationPrivate Defines an application with initialize method.
ICallback This interface exposes behavior related to call-back.
IDEMRegistry This interface exposes the behavior related to a DEM Registry.
IDIFAPI Interface to declare the DIF API's
IEntity This interface exposes the behavior shared by all the Entity, namely having a name, an ID and an Object (POJO).
IMessage This interface exposes behavior regarding Entity messages.
IProvider This interface represents a Provider entity on the DEM.
IRegistrable This interface exposes behavior related to Entity registry.
IService This interface represents a Service entity on the DEM.
IStage This interface represents a Stage entity on the DEM.
IStageInstance This interface represents a Stage entity on the DEM.
IValidator This interface represents a parameter Validator on the DEM.

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