Uses of Class

Packages that use IdentityManagerException

Uses of IdentityManagerException in pt.digitalis.dif.controller

Methods in pt.digitalis.dif.controller that throw IdentityManagerException
protected  boolean AbstractDIFDispatcher.validateUserCredentials(String userId, String password)
          Validate the user credentials

Uses of IdentityManagerException in pt.digitalis.dif.controller.objects

Methods in pt.digitalis.dif.controller.objects that throw IdentityManagerException
 Set<String> DIFUserInSession.getGroupIDs()
 Map<String,IDIFGroup> DIFUserInSession.getGroups()
 IDIFGroup DIFUserInSession.getProfile()
 String DIFUserInSession.getProfileID()

Uses of IdentityManagerException in

Methods in that throw IdentityManagerException
 void IIdentityManager.addGroup(IDIFGroup newGroup)
          Adds a new group to the manager.
 void IIdentityManager.addUser(IDIFUser newUser)
          Adds a new user to the manager.
 void IIdentityManager.addUserToGroup(String userID, String groupID)
          Adds an existing user to an existing group.
 void IIdentityManager.changePassword(String userID, String newPassword)
          Changes the password for the supplied user.
 int IIdentityManager.countAllGroups()
          Counts the number of groups in the system
 int IIdentityManager.countAllGroupsOfUser(String userId)
          Counts all groups of a given user.
 int IIdentityManager.countAllGroupsOfUser(String userId, boolean parseGroupHierarchy)
          Counts all groups of a given user.
 int IIdentityManager.countAllUsers()
          Counts the number of users in the system
 int IIdentityManager.countAllUsers(String groupId)
          Counts all users of a given group.
 int IIdentityManager.countUsers(Map<String,String> attributes)
          Count the number of users in the system which match all of the provided attributes
 Set<IDIFGroup> IIdentityManager.getAllGroups()
          Get all the groups registered in the system
 Set<IDIFUser> IIdentityManager.getAllUsers()
          Get all the users in the system
 IDIFGroup IIdentityManager.getGroup(String groupID)
          Gets a group from its id, if it exists.
 Map<String,IDIFGroup> IIdentityManager.getGroupGroups(String parentGroupID)
          Returns the list of groups whose parent group is the given group
 Set<IDIFGroup> IIdentityManager.getGroups(Pagination page)
          Returns a subset of all groups in the system, according to the parameters
 Map<String,IDIFUser> IIdentityManager.getGroupUsers(String groupID)
          Returns the list of users of a given group
 IDIFUser IIdentityManager.getUser(String userID)
          Gets an user from its id, if it exists.
 Map<String,IDIFGroup> IIdentityManager.getUserGroups(String userID)
          Returns the list of groups of a given user
 Map<String,IDIFGroup> IIdentityManager.getUserGroups(String userID, boolean parseGroupHierarchy)
          Returns the list of groups of a given user
 Set<String> IIdentityManager.getUserGroupsIDs(String userID)
          Returns the list of group IDs of a given user
 Set<String> IIdentityManager.getUserGroupsIDs(String userID, boolean parseGroupHierarchy)
          Returns the list of group IDs of a given user
 Map<String,IDIFGroup> IIdentityManager.getUserGroupsPagination(String userID, Pagination page)
          Returns the list of groups of a given user, with pagination.
 Set<String> IIdentityManager.getUserIDsInGroup(String groupID)
          Returns the list of user IDs of a given group
 Set<IDIFUser> IIdentityManager.getUsers(Pagination page)
          Returns a subset of all users in the system, according to the parameters
 Set<IDIFUser> IIdentityManager.getUsersByAttribute(String attribute, String value)
          Returns the list of users with a given attribute value.
 Set<IDIFUser> IIdentityManager.getUsersByAttributes(Map<String,String> attributes)
          Get users that match specified attributes.
 Set<IDIFUser> IIdentityManager.getUsersByAttributes(Map<String,String> attributes, Pagination page)
          Get users that match specified attributes.
 Set<IDIFUser> IIdentityManager.getUsersByEmail(String value)
          Returns the list of users with a given email attribute value.
 boolean IIdentityManager.groupExists(String groupID)
          Checks if a group exists on the manager.
 boolean IIdentityManager.isIdentityValid(String userID, String suppliedPassword)
          Checks if the supplied password matches the one defined for a user with a given ID.
 boolean IIdentityManager.isUserInGroup(String userID, String groupID)
          Checks if a given user belongs to a given group.
 boolean IIdentityManager.isUserInGroup(String userID, String groupID, boolean parseGroupHierarchy)
          Checks if a given user belongs to a given group.
 void IIdentityManagerPrivate.persistUserAttribute(String userID, String attributeID, Object attributeValue)
          Persists an attribute value on a given user on the underlying repository.
 void IIdentityManagerPrivate.persistUserAttributes(String userID, Map<String,Object> attributes)
          Persists all attributes values on a given user on the underlying repository.
 void IIdentityManager.removeGroup(String groupID)
          Removes an existing group from the manager, if it exists.
 void IIdentityManager.removeUser(String userID)
          Removes an existing user from the manager, if it exists.
 void IIdentityManager.removeUserFromGroup(String userID, String groupID)
          Removes an existing user from an existing group.
 void IIdentityManager.updateGroup(IDIFGroup existingGroup)
          Updates an existing group.
 void IIdentityManager.updateUser(IDIFUser existingUser, String userID)
          Updates an existing user.
 void IIdentityManager.updateUserAttribute(String userID, String attributeID, Object attributeValue)
          Updates an attribute value on a given user and persists it.
 void IIdentityManager.updateUserAttributes(String userID, Map<String,Object> attributes)
          Updates all of the user's attributes.
 boolean IIdentityManager.userExists(String userID)
          Checks if a user exists on the manager.

Uses of IdentityManagerException in

Methods in that throw IdentityManagerException
 void IdentityManagerStaticImpl.addGroup(IDIFGroup newGroup)
 void IdentityManagerStaticImpl.addUser(IDIFUser newUser)
 void IdentityManagerStaticImpl.changePassword(String userID, String newPassword)
 int IdentityManagerStaticImpl.countAllGroups()
 int IdentityManagerStaticImpl.countAllGroupsOfUser(String userId)
 int AbstractIdentityManager.countAllGroupsOfUser(String userId, boolean parseGroupHierarchy)
 int IdentityManagerStaticImpl.countAllUsers()
 int IdentityManagerStaticImpl.countAllUsers(String groupID)
 int IdentityManagerStaticImpl.countUsers(Map<String,String> attributes)
protected  List<ACLEntry> AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl.doFindACLEntriesByUserInherited(String userID, IDIFGroup group)
          Implementation for finding inherited ACL entries for a user
 Map<String,IDIFGroup> IdentityManagerStaticImpl.getGroupGroups(String parentGroupID)
 Set<IDIFGroup> IdentityManagerStaticImpl.getGroups(Pagination page)
 Map<String,IDIFGroup> IdentityManagerStaticImpl.getUserGroups(String userID)
 Map<String,IDIFGroup> AbstractIdentityManager.getUserGroups(String userID, boolean parseGroupHierarchy)
 Set<String> AbstractIdentityManager.getUserGroupsIDs(String userID, boolean parseGroupHierarchy)
 Map<String,IDIFGroup> IdentityManagerStaticImpl.getUserGroupsPagination(String userID, Pagination page)
 Set<IDIFUser> IdentityManagerStaticImpl.getUsers(Pagination page)
 Set<IDIFUser> IdentityManagerStaticImpl.getUsersByAttribute(String attribute, String value)
 Set<IDIFUser> IdentityManagerStaticImpl.getUsersByAttributes(Map<String,String> attributes)
 Set<IDIFUser> IdentityManagerStaticImpl.getUsersByAttributes(Map<String,String> attributes, Pagination page)
 Set<IDIFUser> IdentityManagerStaticImpl.getUsersByEmail(String value)
 boolean AbstractIdentityManager.isUserInGroup(String userID, String groupID, boolean parseGroupHierarchy)
 void IdentityManagerStaticImpl.persistUserAttribute(String userID, String attributeID, Object attributeValue)
 void IdentityManagerStaticImpl.persistUserAttributes(String userID, Map<String,Object> attributes)
 void IdentityManagerStaticImpl.updateUserAttribute(String userID, String attributeID, Object attributeValue)
 void IdentityManagerStaticImpl.updateUserAttributes(String userID, Map<String,Object> attributes)

Uses of IdentityManagerException in

Methods in that throw IdentityManagerException
 Set<String> IDIFUser.getGroupIDs()
          Retrieves the list of group ids associated with this user
 Set<String> DIFUserImpl.getGroupIDs()
 Map<String,IDIFGroup> IDIFUser.getGroups()
          Retrieves the list of groups associated with this user
 Map<String,IDIFGroup> DIFUserImpl.getGroups()
 IDIFGroup IDIFGroup.getParentGroup()
          Returns the parent group.
 IDIFGroup DIFGroupImpl.getParentGroup()
 IDIFGroup IDIFUser.getProfile()
          Retrieves the user profile or default group
 IDIFGroup DIFUserImpl.getProfile()
 String IDIFUser.getProfileID()
          Retrieves the user profile or default group ID
 Set<String> IDIFGroup.getUserIDs()
          Retrieves the list of user IDs associated with this group
 Set<String> DIFGroupImpl.getUserIDs()
 Map<String,IDIFUser> IDIFGroup.getUsers()
          Retrieves the list of users associated with this group
 Map<String,IDIFUser> DIFGroupImpl.getUsers()

Constructors in that throw IdentityManagerException
DIFUserImpl(IDIFUser user, String password)
          Constructor from a IDIFUser object

Uses of IdentityManagerException in pt.digitalis.dif.utils.extensions.cms

Methods in pt.digitalis.dif.utils.extensions.cms that throw IdentityManagerException
 boolean Node.delete()
          Node is deleted in DB.
 boolean ContentItem.delete()
          ContentItem is deleted in DB.
 boolean Node.deleteCascade()
          Node is deleted in DB, as well has its child nodes.
 List<Node> Node.getInnerNodes()
 List<ContentItem> Node.getItems()
 Node Node.getParentNode()
 Node ContentItem.getParentNode()
 boolean Node.update()
          Updates the Node with current object values.
 boolean ContentItem.update()
          Updates the ContentItem with current object values.

Uses of IdentityManagerException in pt.digitalis.dif.utils.identity.tests

Methods in pt.digitalis.dif.utils.identity.tests that throw IdentityManagerException
protected  void AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest.createGroup()
          Creates a group and adds it to the identity manager.
protected  void AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest.createGroup(String groupName)
          Creates a group and adds it to the identity manager.
protected  void AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest.createGroup(String groupName, String parentGroup)
          Creates a group and adds it to the identity manager.
protected  void AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest.createUser()
          Creates a user and adds it to the identity manager.
protected  void AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest.createUser(String userID)
          Creates a user and adds it to the identity manager.
protected  void AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest.removeGroup()
          Removes the group NEW_GROUP_NAME from the identity manager.
protected  void AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest.removeGroup(String groupId)
          Removes a group from the identity manager.
protected  void AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest.removeUser(String userId)
          Removes a user from the identity manager.
 void AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest.testFindAllGroups()
          Tests if the obtainance of all groups in the system work correctly
 void AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest.testFindllUsers()
          Tests if the obtainance of all users in the system work correctly
 void AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest.testGroupGroups()
          Tests searching for groups with a given parent.
 void AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest.testGroupOperationsInFailureBehaviour()
          Tests the group operations forcing failure behavior.
 void AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest.testNotAvailable()
          Not available test condition
 void AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest.testRelationOperations()
          Tests the identity manager's relation operations.
 void AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest.testUserAttributes()
          Tests the finders by attributes
 void AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest.testUserOperations()
          Tests the user operations.
 void AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest.testUserOperationsInFailureBehaviour()
          Tests the user operations forcing failure behavior.

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