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1   /**
2    * - Digitalis Internal Framework v2.0 - (C) 2007, Digitalis Informatica. Distribuicao e Gestao de Informatica, Lda.
3    * Estrada de Paco de Arcos num.9 - Piso -1 2780-666 Paco de Arcos Telefone: (351) 21 4408990 Fax: (351) 21 4408999
4    *
5    */
6   package pt.digitalis.dif.startup;
8   import;
9   import java.util.Properties;
11  import pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.messages.MessagesLocation;
12  import pt.digitalis.dif.utils.logging.DIFLogger;
13  import pt.digitalis.log.LogLevel;
14  import pt.digitalis.utils.ioc.IoCImplementations;
15  import pt.digitalis.utils.ioc.ModuleParser;
17  /**
18   * This class represents the basic startup configuration DIF needs. In this phase it can't rely on several
19   * features/resources since they have not yet been started Note: There is no support for changes in this configuration
20   * in runtime. Only by updating the configuration file and then restarting the DIF will this be reflected. This is a
21   * design decision since these parameters define several resources that are mandatory for the startup of the DIF itself
22   * and set the ground for all its infrastructure, like, for instance the IoC controller.
23   * 
24   * @author Pedro Viegas <a href=""></a>
25   * @author Rodrigo Gonçalves <a href=""></a>
26   * @created Oct 2, 2007
27   */
28  public class DIFStartupConfiguration {
30      /**
31       * The file name of the properties file that contains the startup parameters. Note: It's called dif2 for the
32       * eventuality of the existence of dif 1.x instances in the same App. Server. this way they will not collide.
33       */
34      static final public String CONFIGURATION_FILE = "";
36      /** The DEMO Mode property */
37      static private Boolean demoMode;
39      /** The developer Mode property */
40      static private Boolean developerMode;
42      /** The IoC engine to use: Property "iocimplementation" */
43      static private IoCImplementations iocImplementation;
45      /** The Log Level: Property "loglevel" */
46      static private LogLevel logLevel;
48      /** The Messages Location: Property "messagelocation" */
49      static private MessagesLocation messagesLocation;
51      /** The Module Parsing method: Property "moduleparser" */
52      static private ModuleParser moduleParser;
54      /** The "print stack trace" property. */
55      static private Boolean printStackTrace = true;
57      /** The testing Mode property */
58      static private Boolean testingMode;
60      /** Static initializer */
61      static
62      {
63          Properties parameters = new Properties();
64          try
65          {
66              /*
67               * IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: Must use the Thread context class loader since inside Surefire the system
68               * classLoader does not have all classpath entries
69               */
71              // Load the configuration file from the classPath
72              InputStream configsFile = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
73                      .getResourceAsStream(CONFIGURATION_FILE);
75              if (configsFile != null)
76              {
78                  parameters.load(configsFile);
80                  iocImplementation = IoCImplementations.getImplementationByName(loadProperty(parameters,
81                          "iocimplementation", IoCImplementations.GUICE.toString()));
83                  logLevel = LogLevel.getLevelByName(loadProperty(parameters, "loglevel", LogLevel.WARN.toString()));
84                  developerMode = loadProperty(parameters, "developerMode", false);
85                  demoMode = loadProperty(parameters, "demoMode", false);
86                  testingMode = loadProperty(parameters, "testingMode", false);
88                  moduleParser = ModuleParser.getParsingMethodByName(loadProperty(parameters, "moduleparser",
89                          ModuleParser.FAST.toString()));
90                  messagesLocation = MessagesLocation.getMessageLocationByName(loadProperty(parameters,
91                          "messagelocation", MessagesLocation.MESSAGES_FOLDER.toString()));
92                  printStackTrace = loadProperty(parameters, "printStackTrace", true);
93              }
94              else
95                  setDefaultConfigurations();
97          }
98          catch (Exception e)
99          {
100             setDefaultConfigurations();
101             DIFLogger.getLogger().warn(" unavailable! Reverting to defaults...");
102         }
103     }
105     /**
106      * Inspector for the 'demoMode' attribute.
107      * 
108      * @return the demoMode value
109      */
110     public static Boolean getDemoMode()
111     {
112         return demoMode;
113     }
115     /**
116      * Inspector for the 'developerMode' attribute.
117      * 
118      * @return the developerMode value
119      */
120     public static Boolean getDeveloperMode()
121     {
122         return developerMode;
123     }
125     /**
126      * @return the iocImplementation
127      */
128     static public IoCImplementations getIoCImplementation()
129     {
130         return iocImplementation;
131     }
133     /**
134      * @return the logLevel
135      */
136     static public LogLevel getLogLevel()
137     {
138         return logLevel;
139     }
141     /**
142      * @return the messagesLocation
143      */
144     static public MessagesLocation getMessagesLocation()
145     {
146         return messagesLocation;
147     }
149     /**
150      * @return the moduleParser
151      */
152     static public ModuleParser getModuleParser()
153     {
154         return moduleParser;
155     }
157     /**
158      * Inspector for the 'testingMode' attribute.
159      * 
160      * @return the testingMode value
161      */
162     public static Boolean getTestingMode()
163     {
164         return testingMode;
165     }
167     /**
168      * Inspector for the 'printStackTrace' attribute.
169      * 
170      * @return the printStackTrace attribute value
171      */
172     static public Boolean isPrintStackTrace()
173     {
174         return printStackTrace;
175     }
177     /**
178      * @return T is the instance is in production mode. Production mode is the default mode when none of the other modes
179      *         are active (development, testing or demo)
180      */
181     public static boolean isProductionMode()
182     {
183         return !getDemoMode() && !getDeveloperMode() && !getTestingMode();
184     }
186     /**
187      * Overloads the 'loadProperty' method for boolean values.
188      * 
189      * @param prop
190      *            the Properties to search
191      * @param key
192      *            the key to search
193      * @param defaultValue
194      *            the default value when not found
195      * @return the read value or the default if not found
196      */
197     static Boolean loadProperty(Properties prop, String key, boolean defaultValue)
198     {
199         String value = prop.getProperty(key);
201         if (value == null)
202             return defaultValue;
203         else
204         {
205             if (value.toLowerCase().equals("false") || value.toLowerCase().equals("f"))
206                 return false;
207             else if (value.toLowerCase().equals("true") || value.toLowerCase().equals("t"))
208                 return true;
209             else
210                 throw new RuntimeException("Invalid configuration value for property '" + key
211                         + "'! Unable to proceed...\nValid values are: 'true', 'T', 'false' and 'F'.");
212         }
213     }
215     /**
216      * Searches properties for a given key
217      * 
218      * @param prop
219      *            the Properties to search
220      * @param key
221      *            the key to search
222      * @param defaultValue
223      *            the default value when not found
224      * @return the read value or the default if not found
225      */
226     static String loadProperty(Properties prop, String key, String defaultValue)
227     {
228         String value = prop.getProperty(key);
230         if (value == null)
231             return defaultValue;
232         else
233             return value;
234     }
236     /** */
237     static private void setDefaultConfigurations()
238     {
239         iocImplementation = IoCImplementations.GUICE;
240         logLevel = LogLevel.WARN;
241         developerMode = false;
242         demoMode = false;
243         testingMode = false;
244         moduleParser = ModuleParser.FAST;
245         messagesLocation = MessagesLocation.MESSAGES_FOLDER;
246         printStackTrace = true;
247     }
249     /**
250      * Modifier for the 'demoMode' attribute.
251      * 
252      * @param demoMode
253      *            the new demoMode value to set
254      */
255     public static void setDemoMode(Boolean demoMode)
256     {
257         DIFStartupConfiguration.demoMode = demoMode;
258     }
260     /**
261      * Modifier for the 'developerMode' attribute.
262      * 
263      * @param developerMode
264      *            the new developerMode value to set
265      */
266     public static void setDeveloperMode(Boolean developerMode)
267     {
268         DIFStartupConfiguration.developerMode = developerMode;
269     }
271     /**
272      * Modifier for the 'logLevel' attribute.
273      * 
274      * @param logLevel
275      *            the new logLevel value to set
276      */
277     public static void setLogLevel(LogLevel logLevel)
278     {
279         DIFStartupConfiguration.logLevel = logLevel;
280     }
282     /**
283      * Modifier for the 'testingMode' attribute.
284      * 
285      * @param testingMode
286      *            the new testingMode value to set
287      */
288     public static void setTestingMode(Boolean testingMode)
289     {
290         DIFStartupConfiguration.testingMode = testingMode;
291     }
292 }