Uses of Class

Packages that use IoCBinding

Uses of IoCBinding in pt.digitalis.utils.ioc.modules

Methods in pt.digitalis.utils.ioc.modules that return IoCBinding
 IoCBinding IoCBinder.bind(Class<?> interfaceType, Class<?> implementationType)
          Binds an implementation type to an interface type.
 IoCBinding IoCBindingManager.getBinding(Class<?> interfaceType)
          Returns the first available implementation for the given interface type.
 IoCBinding IoCBindingManager.getBinding(Class<?> interfaceType, String id)
          Returns the implementation with a given id for the given interface type.

Methods in pt.digitalis.utils.ioc.modules that return types with arguments of type IoCBinding
 Map<Class<?>,List<IoCBinding>> IoCBindingManager.getBindings()
          Returns all the available bindings.
 List<IoCBinding> IoCBindingManager.getBindings(Class<?> interfaceType)
          Returns all the available bindings for a given interface.

Methods in pt.digitalis.utils.ioc.modules with parameters of type IoCBinding
 void IoCBindingManager.addBinding(IoCBinding binding)
          Adds a new binding to the manager.
 void IoCBinder.updateBinding(IoCBinding binding)
          Updates the binding entry on the temporary module bindings map.

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