Package pt.digitalis.iss

Interface Summary
IProcess This interface should be implemented by all the objects that will be managed by the ISS.
ISS Defines the ISS behaviour expected by clients.
ISSRequestManagement This interface provides operations related to request management between the ISS and the Worker.

Class Summary
ISSImpl This is an implementation of the ISS interface.
ISSManager This class serves as an interface between the clients and the different ISSs.
PerformanceLogger This entity logs the performance information of the ISS.
ProcessResults This class encapsulates the results of the process execution.
ServiceRequest This class holds information about a service request made to the ISS.
ServiceStatistics This class is a small statistics engine that calculates the estimated time for a request service.
Worker This class implements a Worker: a thread entity that executes requests.

Enum Summary
ProcessState Defines the possible states a process can have.

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