This FAQ tries to cover the basic doubts and questions that newcommers ask when first looking at Logger.

What does Logger provide when compared to Log4J?

Logger acts as a Wrapper for Log4J. At the moment it does not provide any additional features. However it simplifies its use and creates a layer that protects the developer of any changes to the Log4J API and even of a switch to any new API that may arrive and become a better choice than Log4J. Logger can even be extended in the near future to provide other implementations, giving the user the ability to change logging strategy or media, i.e. databases or specific files.

What will happen if the maintainer of Logger decides to change from Log4J?

The main purpose of Logger is preciselly to prevent those consequences. Nothing will have to change for Logger's users with the enhancements of reimplementations of Logger. Logger is intended to provide stability over feature build up and platform changes over the future. This is the main reason for Logger to exist.

How is Logger configured?

Logger has only one configuration at the moment: the Logger level. This was implemented since setting the Logger level can be something some application may need to do in runtime. The need for an administrator to activate 'debug' in order to diagnose a supposed problem is recurrent, and so in the spirit of encapsulation of features as a wrapper Logger provides methods that enabled users to programmatically set the log level. At the moment, other configurations are only possible by Log4J direct configuration. As Logger gets more mileage there may be more aditions to the Logger API regarding this area. Demand will state its future.

For instructions on how to configure the log level refer to the User Guide.