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Reflection utilities

Reflection utilities combines both Java's reflective and annotation inspection APIs on a single API. Java's own reflective API is pretty powerful but the annotation inspection API is dispersed through several classes making it hard to use. To surmont this shortcomming Reflection utilities aggregates functionalities from both domains. On essence, Java's annotation inspection mechanisms are part of the reflective API so this was API was named after the reflective API.

Please refer to the Reflection utilities Javadoc for the complete API specification.

Inspecting annotations

There several methods to inspect the annotations of the different annotation targets. Each of these methods is overloaded to work both with class names or class objects arguments. Reflection utilities offers methods to find type, method and attribute annotations and also a method to get all the annotations on a given class (mind the overloading). The methods names will be detailed below and since they all work in the same fashion only an example will be presented. All the methods return a list of Annotation objects.

Fetch all annotations on a given class

To fetch all the type, method and attribute annotations on a given class use the following methods:

  • getAllAnnotationsForClass(Class) - fecthes all annotations existing on the passed class object.
  • getAllAnnotationsForClass(String) - fecthes all annotations existing on the class whose FQN is passed as an argument.

Fetch all attribute annotations on a given class

To fetch all the attribute annotations on a given class use the following methods:

  • getAttributeAnnotationsForClass(Class) - fecthes all attribute annotations existing on the passed class object.
  • getAttributeAnnotationsForClass(String) - fecthes all attribute annotations existing on the class whose FQN is passed as an argument.

Fetch all method annotations on a given class

To fetch all the method annotations on a given class use the following methods:

  • getMethodAnnotationsForClass(Class) - fecthes all method annotations existing on the passed class object.
  • getMethodAnnotationsForClass(String) - fecthes all method annotations existing on the class whose FQN is passed as an argument.

Fetch all type annotations on a given class

To fetch all the type annotations on a given class use the following methods:

  • getTypeAnnotationsForClass(Class) - fecthes all type annotations existing on the passed class object.
  • getTypeAnnotationsForClass(String) - fecthes all type annotations existing on the class whose FQN is passed as an argument.

Find if a class contains a given annotation

To find if a class is annotated with a given annotation use the isAnnotatedWith(String, String) method. The methods arguments are the class's and annotation's FQNs. Returns TRUE if the class contains the given annotations and FALSE otherwise.

Note: this method searches for type, method and attribute annotations!

Find the target of a given annotation.

To find out the target scopes of a given annotation use the getAnnotationTarget(Annotation) method. The method's must be passed an annotation and it returns list with the ElementType valid annotation scopes.

An usage example


 try {
  List<Annotation> annotations = ReflectionUtils.getAllAnnotationsForClass("pt.digitalis.utils.inspection.MockUpClass");

  for (Annotation annotation : annotations) 
  } catch (ResourceNotFoundException resourceNotFoundException) {
    // Exception-handling code


Assuming MockUpClass has been annotated with a type annotation named TypeAnnotation, a method annotation named MethodAnnotation and an attribute annotation named AttributeAnnotation the code above would produce the following output:


Please note that the annotations retention policy must be RUNTIME.

Inspecting attributes

To access a class's attributes Reflection utilities offers four methods:

  • getAttributes(Class) - gets all the attributes of the passed class object.
  • getAttributes(String) - gets all the attributes of the class whose FQN is passed as an argument.
  • getAttribute(Class, String) - gets the attribute whose name is given on the second argument from the class whose object is given on the first argument.
  • getAttribute(String, String) - gets the attribute whose name is given on the second argument from the class whose name is given on the first argument.

The first two methods return a list with all the class's attributes (of the type Field) and the last two return the specified attribute.

Inspecting methods

There are three kinds of method inspection operations: get all mehods of a given class, get a specific method of a given class and finding out if a given method is an inspector. An inspector is defined as a nullary (zero-argument) function whose name starts with "get" and whose return is different from 'void'.

Here's the method inspecting API:

  • getMethods(Class) - gets all the methods of the passed class object.
  • getMethods(String) - gets all the methods of the class whose FQN is passed as an argument.
  • getMethod(Class, String) - gets a method whose name is passed as the method's second argument from the class object passed as the first argument.
  • getMethod(String, String) - gets a method whose name is passed as the method's second argument from the class whose name passed as the first argument.
  • isInspectorMethod(Method) - returns TRUE if the passed method is an inspector (see inspector definition above).

The first two methods return a list with all the class's methods (of the type Method), the following two return the specified method and the last one returns a boolean, as specificied on the method's Javadoc.

Instantiate an object from a given class

Reflection utilities offers three ways to instantiate an object: from a class object, from a class constructor and from the class's FQN.

Since the usage of this feature is non-trivial, examples will be presented for the three ways.

Instantiate from class object


 Class mockupClass = MockUpClass.class;
 try {
  MockUpClass mockupObject = (MockUpClass) ReflectionUtils.instantiateObjectFromClass(mockupClass);
  // More code here
 } catch (AuxiliaryOperationException e) {
  // Exception-handling code...


Note the need for an explicit cast to the target object type.

Instantiate from class constructor


 Class[] arguments = null;
 try {
 Constructor<MockUpClass> constructor = (Constructor<MockUpClass>) MockUpClass.class.getConstructor(arguments);

 MockUpClass mockupObject = (MockUpClass) ReflectionUtils.instantiateObjectFromClass(constructor, (Object[]) arguments);

 } catch (Exception e) {
  // Exception-handling code...        

Note the need for an explicit cast to the target object type.

Instantiate from FQN


 try {
  MockUpClass mockupObject = 
   (MockUpClass) ReflectionUtils.instantiateObjectFromClass("pt.digitalis.utils.inspection.MockUpClass");
 } catch (AuxiliaryOperationException e) {
  // Exception-handling code...                         

Note the need for an explicit cast to the target object type.

Invoke a method

To invoke a method on an object, Reflection utilities offers invokeMethod(Method, Class, Object[]...). The first argument is an object that represents the method to invoke, the second argument is target class and the third is and array of Objects that will be fed as arguments to the called method. The last argument is a vararg. More on this subject here. The method returns an object that matches the called method's return type and whose content is the called method return.

There's also an overloaded version of the method that accepts String-type parameters for the method's and target object names. See the method's Javadoc.


 Object[] arguments = null;
        try {
        Method method = ReflectionUtils.getMethod(MockUpClass.class, "getter");
        Object result = ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(method, MockUpClass.class, arguments);
        // More code here
        } catch(Exception exception)
            // Exception-handling code...
