This section provides a quick usage guide to the Maven ORM Generator Plugin.
At the present time, the plugin uses Hibernate to map the database to ORM. Hibernate is in itself an abstraction layer that provides connection to a great number of database back ends.
There are some requirements that should be met before plugin usage.
First of all we need to have the following three files in "src/main/config" folder:
Having these files well configured will provide a successful code generation.
IMPORTANT: The name of the hibernate.cfg.xml file must use the datasource name instead of hibernate. By convention hibernate is used only if no dataSourceName parameter value is specified.
ORM Generator is a Maven plugin. As such, it has its own dependencies that must be present to ensure proper plugin functioning.
Here's the list:
Note: See more on IoC on the support IoC Utils project
Sample Maven pom.xml dependencies:
<dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.hibernate</groupId> <artifactId>hibernate</artifactId> <version>3.2.0.cr4</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>postgresql</groupId> <artifactId>postgresql</artifactId> <version>8.2-504.jdbc3</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>pt.digitalis</groupId> <artifactId>ioc-utils</artifactId> <version>1.0.1</version> </dependency> </dependencies>
The ORM layer code generation will be attached to the Maven generate-sources phase. This means that we need to provide our Maven project pom.xml with the plugin declaration and phase/goal attachment.
See the example bellow. Ignore the configuration for the time being:
<build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>pt.digitalis</groupId> <artifactId>maven-orm-generator-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <dataSourceName>dif</dataSourceName> <packageName>pt.digitalis.dif.model</packageName> </configuration> <executions> <execution> <phase>generate-sources</phase> <goals> <goal>run</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </build>
The plugin configuration uses the following parameters:
Note that the first two parameters are mandatory. All other parameters have default values and the configuration files revert to the "src/main/config" folder for every file.
In the example above all the files will be saved at the package "pt.digitalis.dif.model". The folder structure will be generated automatically too. As explained before, these configuration files must be placed in the "src/main/config" folder.
This is the folder structure for the DAOs created created bellow.
<packageName> | |- impl | |- data | \- dao | |- impl | \- auto | \-impl
Note that if schemaSeparated is activated in each of the previous folders a new package with each schema name will be created for it's classes.
This structure can be customized. To do so, you must define the desired structure in orm.generation.xml. Read the details in this dedicated section.
To run the ORM Generator open a shell, browse to the project folder and type:
mvn generate-sources
The plugin will read all configuration files and place them in the specified package.
This phase runs before the compilation phase, so if you call the compile or package goal the output will include the updated generated code from the ORM Generator.
A simple use case, with a couple of tables: Answers and Options.
Table "public.answers" Column | Type | Modifiers ---------------------------+------------------------+----------- id | integer | not null presentation_knowledge | integer | not null presentation_demo | integer | not null dif_opinion | integer | not null presentation_content | integer | not null presentation_presentation | integer | not null presentation_interest | integer | not null presentation_clarity | integer | not null dif_technology | integer | not null name | character varying(100) | recomend_presentation | boolean | not null recomend_dif | boolean | not null will_use_dif | boolean | not null Indexes: "answers_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) Foreign-key constraints: "fkcd7db8751c5d2797" FOREIGN KEY (presentation_interest) REFERENCES options(id) "fkcd7db8754213ba81" FOREIGN KEY (presentation_knowledge) REFERENCES options(id) "fkcd7db87549e7cd7" FOREIGN KEY (presentation_clarity) REFERENCES options(id) "fkcd7db87580d1c72" FOREIGN KEY (dif_technology) REFERENCES options(id) "fkcd7db8759e6308d0" FOREIGN KEY (presentation_demo) REFERENCES options(id) "fkcd7db875a75113c" FOREIGN KEY (presentation_content) REFERENCES options(id) "fkcd7db875bb5b3507" FOREIGN KEY (presentation_presentation) REFERENCES options(id) "fkcd7db875bc55beac" FOREIGN KEY (dif_opinion) REFERENCES options(id)
demos-# \d options; Table "public.options" Column | Type | Modifiers -------------+------------------------+----------- id | integer | not null keyword | character varying(10) | description | character varying(200) | Indexes: "options_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
src `-- main |-- config | |-- demo.cfg.xml | |-- hibernate.reveng.xml | `-- orm.generation.xml |-- java | `-- pt | `-- digitalis | `-- difsurvey | `-- model | |-- | |-- | |-- dao | | |-- | | |-- | | |-- auto | | | |-- | | | |-- | | | `-- impl | | | |-- | | | `-- | | `-- impl | | |-- | | `-- | |-- data | | |-- | | `-- | |-- | |-- | `-- impl | `-- `-- resources |-- demo.cfg.xml |-- `-- pt `-- digitalis `-- difsurvey `-- model `-- data |-- Answers.hbm.xml `-- Options.hbm.xml
A very common need is to implement new code in the DAOs that the ORM Generator creates. Often, these modifications should persist between model generations. To avoid having the ORM Generator overwriting your custom code please proceed as is described below.
Use the "impl" folder to place your DAOs. The "auto" package will contain all generated code. The "impl" package is intended to receive your custom code in the form of classes that extend the auto-generated ones.
The ORM Generator will pick this up on generation time and link the IoC service to the right extended class on a new generation, thus you will receive through inheritance all new generated code while maintaining your custom code in place.