Configuration Utils provides the ability to read and save to a repository without the knowledge or overhead of managing the access to that repository. Configuration Utils can implement any type or persistent repository, so this aspect is unimportant to the programmer that uses the API.
Confguration Utils provides the ability to save any POJO do disk and read it. This apart for the normal properties file of key/value pairs. It parses any given JavaBean for all it's attributes and uses the getter and setter methods to read and save the data to/from the bean to the repository.
Configuration Utils can yet be extended by the use of a set of provided Annotations. These allow the use to annotate a POJO instructing the Configuration Utils on how to read/write it to the persistence layer. Information like default values, what attributes to save and not to, ID for the information saved, etc, can be annotated, thus overriding the conventioned default behavior.
The user guide is divided into the following sections:
For a more in depth information please refer do the JavaDoc reference API.