Deployment time configurations

This section provides information on deployment time configurations.

There's a set of configuration parameters that affect the LDAPUtils behavior. They're are described below. Keep in mind that they can be changed programatically as well, see this page for more information on the subject. The configurations parameters are managed by the ConfigurationUtils API. To know how to access the parameters on Linux and Windows systems check this page.

The following table summarizes the configurations parameters.

Parameter name Description
BaseSearchDN The starting DN for all the searches. Searches will only find nodes UNDER this one.
BaseUserDN The DN where users are under.
DefaultGroupDN The parent group where users and groups will be placed if none is specified.
HostName The name (or IP) of the host where the LDAP server lives.
UserDN The account that will be used to access the LDAP server.
Password The user account password.