DIF Core - Digitalis Framework Core Module
DiF's functionalities and features are all described in the Features section.
Almost all of DEM are defined in the Core.
Bellow is a list of the main features:
DEM: DiF Entity Model and the Code Generation process.
Include several relevant sub modules:
- Message Manager: Manages the messages available to all DEM entities (includes internationalization and customization)
- Registration Manager: Manages the application registration access validation
- Parameter Manager: Manages the parameter validations and life-cycle
- CodeGen Module: Generates all additional code for the DEM entities
The Listener, ChAL and Dispatcher pack
Security, divided in three main modules
- Identity Manager: The management of user, groups, their relationships, and attributes
- Authentication Manager: The authentication process and tracking (includes a sub module: Session Manager for managinf user Sessions)
- Authorization Manager: The access control management module for user access to DEM entities
Other tools
- Exception Handling/logging: AOP Implemented set of tracking and logging of exceptions and
- Logging: AOP Implemented set of tracking aspects for logging of all DiF's main modules
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