DiF Tag library Reference
This section contains a reference of all tag components used to build JSP views.
The tags are listed in alphabetical order.
For a better understanding we will browse the tags in the following logical groups:
- Core
- Form
- Integration
- Layout
- Utils
- Chart
- Complex
- Security
Core components
These tags provide basic core functionalities.
Next is a list of all such components:
- breadcumbs: The list of previously visited stages.
- document: A document encloses the HTML page to be generated.
- pageContent: Includes the page content in template stages.
- error: Gives access in the view to the previous stage execution exception thrown.
- help: Adds a help item. Generates a help viewer with all enclosed contributions.
- languageSelector: Displays an interface element that shows and allows changes to the current language.
- modeConditional: creates a conditional ui rendering for diferent Web UI Modes.
- mode: A specific mode for modeConditional.
- modeOthers: Other modes for modeConditional.
- uiModeSelector: Displays an interface element that shows and allows changes to the current UI mode.
Form components
These tags enable the developer to create forms e input controls for several purposes.
Next is a list of all such components:
- checkBoxField: A check box input.
- comboField: A select field, optionally with auto-complete.
- contentEditor: A textarea input element. Optionally a rich text HTML WYSIWYG editor with multi-language support. Content Editor integrates with CMS
- dateField: An input field with an interactive calendar popup window.
- detailsForm: A form for showing the row details for a given parent grid.
- detailsFormEvent: An event to bind to the form actions.
- fileUploadField: A file upload field
- fieldset: A field set aggregator. Optionally with a collapse functionality
- form: A form component with extended features.
- formCustomizer: A form customizer link to allow form customizations.
- formActions: A form action/submit list element (collection of actionItem instances).
- formText: A component to put any kind of text in the body of a form component.
- filterForm: A filter form to bind to a parent grid component.
- hiddenField: A hidden form input.
- imageUploadField: An image upload field
- indentFields: Creates a scope where all enclosed input elements are indented.
- memoField: A textarea input element. Optionally a rich text HTML WYSIWYG editor
- parameterErrors: A visual interactive representation of all auto-validated form parameter errors.
- radioField: A radio field input, or a list of these.
- radioGroup: Groups the enclosed radioField components in a predefined customizable visual representation.
- textField: A text input with extended functionalities.
Integration components
These tags provide integration functionalities.
Next is a list of all such components:
- component: Call another stage in component mode.
Layout components
These tags provide basic core functionalities.
Next is a list of all such components:
- accordion: An accordion layout container.
- alertPopup: A alert pop-up with auto-dismiss feature.
- checkList: A check list component with status feedback on each item.
- checkListItem: A check list item contribution.
- containerBox: A visual page level title/frame element.
- contribution: A document contribution (JS, CSS, MetaTag).
- dialog: A multi-purpose dialog window builder component.
- dialogButton: buttons to the dialog component
- dialogJSHandler: JavaScript code to act has the action handler for a dialog
- dialogJSCondition: JavaScript code to condition the calling of a dialog
- fieldLayout: Uses all the form capabilities but without user input.
- menu: A menu component with extended features.
- menuItem: A menu item component for specifying the menu options.
- messageBox: A message box.
- pageContainer: A container that has several pages with an index on the side. Similar to a Tab with the tabs on the side.
- panel: A panel to enclose content. Similar to an HTML div element, but with visual interactive representation.
- progressBar: A graphical progress bar.
- summary: A summary information header component.
- summaryItem: A summary information header component item contribution.
- tabs: A tab container element.
- tree: A tree component with colapsable elements.
- treeItem: A tree item contribution.
- wizard: A Wizard component.
- wizardStage: A Wizard step defined as a stage.
- collapsibleArea: A collapsible area on the screen, with animation and state persistence.
- collapsibleAreaLink: A collapsible area link activator.
- perfilMenu: A profile menu for authenticated users.
Utils components
These tags provide several utility behaviors and elements.
Next is a list of all such components:
- ajaxRequest: Generates an AJAX request handler.
- serverProcess: Generates an AJAX request handler for a long server running, with progress report.
- success: Defines the success action for an AJAX request handler.
- failure: Defines the failure action for an AJAX request handler.
- requestParameter: Publish a parameter for a request.
- documentGenerator: Generates a document response.
- download: Generates a download link for a given url or list of urls.
- downloadList: Generates a download link list for the inner download or documentGenerator components.
- dateTime: Shows current date and time in a page.
- search: Searches for a given keyword or phrase.
- actionItem: An action element to add to an action list element.
- actions: An action list element (collection of actionItem instances).
- footnote: A footnote.
- footnotes: Footnote collection. Renders the footnotes in sequence.
Chart components
These tags provide basic core functionalities.
Next is a list of all such components:
- chart: Chart component for creating server-generated-images of visually appealing charts.
Complex components
These tags provide basic core functionalities.
Next is a list of all such components:
- GridAction: A Grid action.
- GridRowAction: A Grid action for each Row.
- Column: A Grid column.
- ColumnGroup: A group of child Grid columns.
- Grid: A grid or table element. Very dynamic component that allows in-place editing, sorting, pagination, etc.
- MultiSelect: Two side by side grids. Available and selected with AJAX & Drag & Drop functionalities.
- PropertiesEditor: Tree selector with property editor in side grid. AJAX support.
- GridTreeSelect: A grid or table element with a tree element acting as a selector/filter for records to show in the grid.
Security components
These tags provide basic core functionalities.
Next is a list of all such components:
- stageLink: A link element to a given stage. Validating the current user access to it.
- login: A visual element that allows a login operation if no user is logged.
- logout: A visual element allows a logout operation if the user is logged.
- userInfo: A visual element that shows the information of the currently logged user. Allows login/logout features if needed.
- loginRegisterWindow: Allows login/logout and register features if needed. visually it's a single button with a popup window that has the login/register features
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