
Description: An input element with the corresponding label.

JavaDoc: Click here

Remarks: The id will map to an existent stage parameter if it exists.
This will cause it's value to be initialized and submitted to this parameter. All validation as defined in the parameter will be applied to the submitted value.

Body content: Empty. All enclosed content will be ignored.


Name Description Data type Required Default value
id The id for the generated HTML input. String Yes -
dataSourceAttribute The corresponding data source field id for editable detailsForms. String No The value of the id parameter
label The label for the input. String No A message with the id identical to the given tag id, or, if non-existent, the camel-cased interpretation of the id
labelCSSClass A CSS class to apply to the HTML label tag String No -
readonly Render the value with a readonly input. Boolean No False
simpleText Render the value with a text element, do not create an input. Boolean No False
cssClass A CSS class to apply to the HTML input tag String No -
value Force a specific value, no parameter binding. String No Bind to the parameter value
confidential Password mode. Boolean No False
noTabIndex If we want to omit the tab index attribute. Boolean No False
width The width of the label. Integer No False
size The size of the input field (in characters). Integer No False
tip A tip for the current field. String No -
placeHolder Text to show in a field until the field is focused upon String No -
helpID The id of the existing help item to use as help for this field. String No -
suffix The suffix for this field. String No -
groupLabel Label text format and spacing normalization String No False


       <dif:textField id="user" label="Username" />
       <dif:textField id="pass" label="Password" confidential="true" />

See also:

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