
Description: A collapsible area on the screen, with animation and state persistence.

JavaDoc: Click here

Remarks: Can be configured for auto collapse when the screen area is smaller than a given size.

Body content: JSP content.


Name Description Data type Required Default value
id The id for this element. String Yes -
linkTitle the link(s) title for the show/hide action link. If the type is Toggle will support the notation 'showLink|hideLink'. String No Show|Hide
animate if the hide/show actions should be animated. Boolean No true
transitionAnimation the type of animation to apply. TransitionAnimation No transitionAnimation.FADE
autoHideHeight the minimal height after which the area will automatically collapse. Integer No -
autoHideWidth the minimal width after which the area will automatically collapse. Integer No -
persistState if the visual state should be persisted between uses. PersistenceType No PersistenceType.SESSION
showHideLinks Show the toggle links. If F will assume that they will be externally generated with the CollapsibleAreaLink tag Boolean No true


    <dif:collapsibleArea id="area1">
        This is a simple content test
    <p>And here (<dif:collapsibleAreaLink targetAreaID="area1" />) you can toggle the area above!</p>

See also:

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