Description: A document contribution. A JavaScript file/scriplet, a CSS file or classes or a MetaTag.
JavaDoc: Click here
Body content: JSP. Will be used as the contribution source when no fileURL is given.
Name | Description | Data type | Required | Default value |
id | A unique identifier for this contribution. If more additions happen with the same ID they will be ignored | String | No | - |
type | The type of the contribution. See bellow | String | No | CSS_FILE |
scope | The scope of the script (for JS contributions only). See bellow. | String | No | HEAD |
fileURL | The URL for the file to link. | String | No | - |
Contribution Types:
Scriplet Scopes:
<dif:document> <dif:contribution id="css:someCSSFileUniqueID" type="css_file" fileURL="css/main.css" /> <dif:contribution id="css:someJSFileUniqueID" type="js_file" fileURL="js/effects.js" /> <dif:contribution id="keywords" type="meta_tag"> name="keywords" content="dif, digitalis, framework, java" </dif:contribution> <dif:contribution type="css_entry"> .bold{font-weight: bold;} .normal{font-weight: normal;} .floatLeft{float: left;} .floatRight{float: right;} .alignLeft{text-align: left !important;} .alignRight{text-align: right !important;} .alignCenter{text-align: center;} .borderNone{border: none;} </dif:contribution> <dif:contribution type="hs_scriptlet"> var logincontentState = true; function tooglelogincontentFunc(){ if (logincontentState) { Ext.get('logincontent').slideOut('t'); } else { Ext.get('logincontent').slideIn(); } logincontentState = !logincontentState; } </dif:contribution> ... </dif:document>
See also: