
Description: A field set agregator. Optionally with a collapse functionality.

JavaDoc: Click here

Remarks: In non-collapsible mode this is simply a "<fieldset><legend>{$label}</legend>(...)</fieldset>".

Body content: JSP context.


Name Description Data type Required Default value
title The label for the fieldset String No -
layout Inner Fields layout String No Pool layout
cssClass the cssClass to apply to the component String No -
collapsible If the fieldset is dynamically collapsible or not Boolean No False
collapsed If the initial state is collapsed String No False
labelWidth A custom width for all enclosed labels Integer No As defined by the CSS in use
border Whether to draw the field set border or not boolean No True


        <dif:form name="login">
        <dif:fieldset title="${messages.pageHeading}">
            <input name="afterloginstageid" type="hidden" value="${stage.afterLoginStageID}" />
            <dif:textField id="_user" />
            <dif:textField id="_pass" confidential="true" />
        <input type="submit" name="${messages.submit}" />

Layout values: Available layouts:

  • free: No layout defined. The developer will provide HTML code involving the inner tags.
  • pool: Pool layout. One label and it's field bellow. Each field bellow the previous one. Perfect for minimal width interfaces (hence the name pool) or sequential field forms.
  • tabular: The classical tabular layout. Labels on the left side, fields on the right side. The more traditional layout in web forms. Good choice for large input fields while maintaining a low page space usage as possible.
  • twocol: Similar to the pool layout, but divided in two columns of label/input pairs. It's the default and should be the option that uses less space altogether.

See also:

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