
Description: A multiSelect component is an integration of a grid component with a Tree for filtering purposes.
This component represents an extension of the Grid component, adding the tree and linking the selection action of a Tree item with the refresh of the grid component with the selected element for filtering.

JavaDoc: Click here

Remarks: This encloses basically a Grid and a Tree components. It can also integrate with a form component, like the Grid also does.

Body content: JSP context.


Name Description Data type Required Default value
id The name (identifier) of the grid. String Yes -
title The title for the grid. String No -
treeTitle The title for the tree panel. String No -
treeItems The item list ListTreeItemDefinition No Inner TreeItem components
autoNumberPrefix Auto-inserts numbered prefixes to each tree item (taking into account subItem numbering. Boolean No False
height Tree height (with scroll if larger). Integer No auto
treeWidth Tree width. String No 33%
data The method that provides the data for the grid. Map<Object> No -
ajaxEvent An AJAX event to load the data for the grid. In the form "eventID" or "stageID:eventID". String No -
serversort Perform sorting on the server side. Only with "ajaxEvent". Boolean No Always true if recordsperpage is used
noDataMessage Message to show when there are no rows to show. String No -
recordsperpage The number of records in each page. Can only be used with "ajaxEvent". Number No -
plainHtml Forces HTML table even in rich mode Boolean No False
multiSelect Activates multi-select for rows. IN DEVELOPMENT!!! Boolean No False
readonly Allows editing of the grid. Boolean No False
readonlyColumn Defines the column to dictate conditional row editing. String No -
addForm Adds the generation of a dynamic form for new row. IN DEVELOPMENT!!! Boolean No False
addInline Adds a add row with in-line grid editing of the new row fields. IN DEVELOPMENT!!! Boolean No False
editForm Replaces the "edit in-line" of the grid with an edit form with all fields. IN DEVELOPMENT!!! Boolean No False
delRow Adds a delete icon functionality. Boolean No False
groupColumn The column to use as a group column. String No -
renderFootnotes Defines if footnotes are rendered on the element. Boolean No True

Important: All stages must add a "selectedItem" parameter to read the selected tree item and apply to the grid data filter. This parameter name is not customizable.


View - JSP file

    <dif:gridTreeSelect id="rules" treeItems="${stage.items}" treeWidth="20%" ajaxEvent="list"
        <dif:column attribute="name" width="50" />
        <dif:column attribute="type" width="30" />
        <dif:column attribute="description" width="140" wordWrap="true" />

Stage - Class file

public class SomeStage {


    String selectedItem;

    public IJSONResponse getItemList()
        JSONResponseGrid response = new JSONResponseGrid(context);
        String[] fields = {"name", "description", "type"};

        List<SomeBean> records = new ArrayList<SomeBean>();
        response.setRecords(records, "name", fields);

        return response;

     * @return the list of rules and flows points for the current application
    public List<TreeItemDefinition> getItems()
        List<TreeItemDefinition> items = new ArrayList<TreeItemDefinition>();
        return items;
Grid Tree Select component sample

See also:

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