Description: A multi-purpose dialog window builder component. Supports:
JavaDoc: Click here
Body content: JSP content.
Name | Description | Data type | Required | Default value |
id | the dialog ID | String | No | Auto-generated |
type | The Dialog type (error, info, etc) | String | No | None. No icon. |
title | The title for the Dialog window | String | Yes | - |
width | The width for the Dialog window | Integer | No | - |
height | The height for the Dialog window | Integer | No | Auto size |
resizable | If T the Dialog can be resized by the user | Boolean | No | True |
bindTo | Allows binding of the dialog to an event of a given element, by it's ID. Notation: "componentID:event". | String | No | - |
panelContainer | Declares the dialog as a panel container that will collect all inner panels and render them. | Boolean | No | False |
closable | True to display the 'close' tool button and allow the user to close the dialog, false to hide the button and disallow closing the dialog. | Boolean | No | False |
noButtons | False to hide all buttons even if there's configuration to show buttons. | Boolean | No | False |
stageID | Shows the stage, importing all it's content such as HTML, CSS, scripts and javascript blocks. | String | No | - |
stageParameters | The stage parameters to append to the stageID request. Values should be in URL format. | String | No | - |
Dialog types: Available types:
#1: Confirmation Dialog .
Confirmation dialog bind to a form and if button yes is clicked the form is submited .
<dif:document> <dif:dialog title="Confirm operation" bindTo="formName:submit"> <p>the following tasks will be executed:</p <ul><li></li></ul> <p>Are you sure?</p> <dif:dialogButton id="yes", title="Yes, go ahead!" /> <dif:dialogButton id="no", title="NO, please stop!" /> <dif:dialogJSHandler>if (btn == 'yes') document.forms.formName.submit();</dif:dialogJSHandler> <dif:dialogJSCondition>document.forms.formName.fieldName.value == 'S'</dif:dialogJSCondition> </dif:dialog> ... </dif:document>
#2: Dialog rendering a stage content .
Dialog opening a stage with all its content: HTML, CSS, script, javascripts blocks.
<dif:document> ... <dif:actions cssClass="actionsbuttons" align="<%=Actions.ALIGN_LEFT%>"> <dif:actionItem type="<%=ActionItemType.CUSTOM.toString()%>" id="openAccessibilityPopup" url="#" label="Open Accessibility Popup"></dif:actionItem> </dif:actions> <dif:dialog title="" id="includeAccessibilityDialog" bindTo="openAccessibilityPopup:click" height="768" width="1024" stageID="<%=Accessibility.class.getSimpleName()%>"> <dif:dialogButton id="ok" title="OK" /> </dif:dialog> ... </dif:document>
See also: