
Description: Chart component for creating server-generated-images of visually appealing charts.

JavaDoc: Click here

Remarks: The charts are rendered as plain images. These are rendered by an internal DiF provided servlet that the component integrates into the page.
If the chart appears like a broken link image, you should check the servlet declaration. See more on this bellow.

All charts are rendered with an anti-aliasing 3D engine for best graphical output. The chart engine provides abundant chart types and configurations, but, for the moment, the chart component only exposes to the developer 3 types and limited configurations. Please contact us with your necessities, or better, contact us on how you can add your own needs to the Chart component witch we will then integrate in the main stream version.

Body content: Empty. All enclosed content will be ignored.


Name Description Data type Required Default value
id The name (identifier) of the chart String Yes -
type Chart type. See bellow a list of supported types. ChartType Yes -
label The label for the chart alternate image String Yes -
dataEventID The event method (@OnDocument) that provides the data for the chart. String Yes -
chartDefinition The method that provides the chart definition (will override the dataSeries parameter). ChartDefinition Yes -
categoryLabelOrientation ChartLabelOrientation No -
chartBackgroundColor The Chart background color Color No -
chartOrientation The chart render orientation ChartOrientation No -
limitToTop Sets a limit for the elements to show on the chart to the Top X values Integer No -
minumumValue The bottom limit to render on the chart Double No -
othersDescription When limitToTop and showOthersElement are enabled this is used to customize the others element title String No -
pieRenderOrigin The angle origin where the pie slices begin to draw Double No -
render3d Render the chart in 3D boolean No false
showLegend Show legend Boolean No false
showOthersElement hen limitToTop is enabled if T will show an others element with the sum of all other values boolean No false
stacked Render series on top of each other boolean No false
titleXAxis The X axis title String No -
titleYAxis the Y axis title String No -
unit Unit of the provided values if needed (i.e. sec, Mb, Eur.) String No -
exportToExcel Add a link to export the Chart data to Excel Boolean No False
width The width in pixels for the chart to generate Integer Yes -
height The height in pixels for the chart to generate Integer Yes -


View - JSP file

    <dif:chart id="classificacao" label="Classification stats"
               width="400" height="280" type="<%=ChartType.BAR%>"
               data="${stage.classificationStats}" />
    <dif:chart id="recomenda" label="Recomends stats"
               width="400" height="280" type="<%=ChartType.PIE%>"
               data="${stage.recomendsStats}" />

Stage - Class file

public class SomeStage {


    public Map<String, ChartDataSeries> getClassificationStats() {
        Map<String, Double> data = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();

        Long interest = 0L;
        Long clarity = 0L;
        Long knowledge = 0L;
        Long duration = 0L;

        for (Answer answer : answers) {
            interest += answer.getInterest();
            clarity += answer.getClarity();
            knowledge += answer.getKnowledge();
            duration += answer.getDuration();

        data.put("Interest", new Double(interest) / answers.size());
        data.put("Clarity", new Double(clarity) / answers.size());
        data.put("Knowledge", new Double(knowledge) / answers.size());
        data.put("Duration", new Double(duration) / answers.size());

        return new ChartDataSeries("", data);
    public Map<String, Double> getRecomendsStats() {
        Map<String, Double> data = new HashMap<String, Double>();

        Double yes = 0.0;
        Double no = 0.0;

        for (Answer answer : answers) {
            if (answer.getRecomends())

        data.put("Yes", yes);
        data.put("No", no);

        return new ChartDataSeries("", data);

web.xml configuration:

The following should be added to your web.xml in order for the charts to be rendered.
Projects created with the provided DiF archetypes should already contain this entry.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<web-app version="2.4" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    xsi:schemaLocation=" web-app_2_4.xsd">
    <description>Sample Web application descriptor for DIF Presentation testing purposes</description>


    <!-- Chart tag servlet -->

Chart types: For the moment only a few types are implemented. More will be added as they are requested/needed.

Available Chart types:

  • pie: 3D Pie chart.
  • bar: 3D Bar chart.


3D Pie Chart sample3D Bar Chart sample

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