Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class

Each tag is detailed below:

Number of occurrences found in the code: 10

pt.digitalis.dif.model.dataset.CollectorListProcessor Line
Auto-generated Javadoc 13
pt.digitalis.dif.model.dataset.Filter Line
s the value with the current filter 209
pt.digitalis.dif.model.hibernate.HibernateScrollableResultsIterator Line
Review if this is necessary after implementation of this feature /** Iterator counter for hibernate memory flush */ private long recordsServer = 0; 27
Must Implement this this.results = results; 42
pt.digitalis.dif.model.hibernate.HibernateUtil Line
it, nonetheless since only this method is syncronized (for performance reasons) 120
Must change the DAO/Services generation. These must receive a IDIFSession object in their constructor to that the DAOs can use if the auditing features are enabled in the Model layer. The strategy is to create a parameter that will determine if each DAO will log each DML action in an auditing repository (IoC contrib). The ORM will generate a method that will compare old and new objects and determine what needs to be logged. We may need to ask the data/pojo object what has changed since we may not have that available in the DAO. If so the ORM will generate in the pojo also a buffer where all changes will be logged by each setter method and thus the DAO has only to ask of it. Bug: 8252 137
pt.digitalis.dif.model.jdbc.DatabaseSessionFactory Line
Add support for other databases. Use the SQLDialect class 140
Add support for other databases. This query only works in Oracle. Use the SQLDialect class 189
Add support for other databases. Use the SQLDialect class 217
pt.digitalis.dif.model.utils.AbstractModelManager Line
if the model is enable 204