Node Find operations:


Searches a node by unique identifier. Only returns the node if userId has access to it, throws NoAccessException otherwise.

// userId is the current user ID
node = contentManager.getNodeById(nodeId, userId);


Searches a node by path that userId has access;

// userId is the current user ID
node = contentManager.getNodeByPath(fullPath, userId);


Searches nodes by description that userId has access.

// userId is the current user ID
List nodeList = contentManager.getNodesByDescription(description, userId);


Searches nodes by name that userId has access. Returns a list because different nodes can have the same name but different parent nodes.

// userId is the current user ID
List nodeList = contentManager.getNodesByName(name, userId);


Searches nodes by parent node that userId has access. Gets the parentNodeId child nodes.

// userId is the current user ID
List nodeList = contentManager.getNodesByParentNode(parentNodeId, userId);


Searches root nodes that userId has access.

// userId is the current user ID
List nodes = contentManager.getRootNodes(userId);

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