
Target: Attribute of a POJO annotated with @ApplicationDefinition, @ServiceDefinition or @StageDefinition.

Description: Defines a default ACL for the containing DEM entity. This annotation declares the desired ACL for this entity and creates all the necessary entities and associations in the IdentityManager and AuthorizationManager.

JavaDoc: Click here

Remarks: By default when this annotation is ommited the entity will be made public. Any user can access it. So if we want a private stage we must state witch users and/or groups have access to it, or if, by default, no one can access it (none=true).

User and Group lists are comma separated names. i.e. groups="group1, group2".

For users we can specify the default user profile for each user. i.e. users="client1:clients, client2:clients". If not specified the group reverts to the default DIF user group. Default is "users".

If the specified users or groups do not exist they will be created on whatever IdentityManager is in place.
The users will be associated to the given profile, which, if also does not exist, will be created.


Name Description Data type Required Default value
users List of users that will be granted access. String No -
groups List of groups that will be granted access. String No -
none Specify that no one will have access to this stage by default. Boolean No False


@StageDefinition(name = "MockupStage", service = "mockupService")
@AccessControl(users="client1:clients, client1:clients, user1")
public class MockupStage {

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