Class Model

The class model of CMS Module includes the following classes:

  • ContentItem: represents a content item in the document repository. Also include object operations;
  • Node: represents a node, or directory, in the document repository. Also include object operations;
  • ACLEntry: represents a ACL - Access Control List - in the document repository; this entry defines that a user, or a group of users, can access a content item, or a node. For nodes, the ACL entry has hierarchical effects.
  • ACLUserEntry: is a subclass of ACLEntry. Applies to ACL of users;
  • ACLGroupEntry: is a subclass of ACLEntry. Applies to ACL of user groups;
  • IContentManager: Interface that defines the repository operations available in the CMS Module.
  • AbstractContentManager: abstract class that implements the CMS operations defined in IContentManager interface. CMS module implementation must extend this class and implement all its abstract methods.


The CMS Module also includes a set of Exception classes. Each of this exceptions applies to a concrete business situation that can be managed by the CMS:

  • ContentManagerException: global content manager exception. All other CMS exceptions extend this ContentManagerException;
  • AlreadyDeletedException: this exception occurs when there is an operation on a Node or a ContentItem object that was already deleted in the repository;
  • ContentItemNotFoundException: this exception occurs when there is a search of a ContentItem in the repository and the ContentItem is not found;
  • ContentItemWithDuplicateNameAndParentNodeException: this exception occurs when a user tries to insert/move a content item in a node that already has a content item with the same name;
  • InvalidNameException: this exception occurs when there is a CMS operation with an object with invalid name;
  • InvalidParentNodeException: this exception occurs when there is a CMS operation with an object with invalid parent node;
  • InvalidPathException: this exception occurs when there is a CMS operation with an object with invalid path;
  • NoAccessException: this exception occurs when a user tries to do a CMS operation in a node or a content item that he doesn't have access.
  • NodeNotFoundException: this exception occurs when there is a search of a Node in the repository and the Node is not found;
  • NodeWithDuplicatePathException: this exception occurs when a user tries to insert or change a node with a path that already exists;
  • NodeWithNodesException: this exception occurs when a user tries to delete a Node that has child Nodes. Only applies to non cascade deletes.

The complete CMS Module API can be inspected here.

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