Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class

Each tag is detailed below:

Number of occurrences found in the code: 222

pt.digitalis.dif.codegen.DIFCodeGenerator Line
After these cleanups, some containers are set to null and not reinitialized again. This might originate NullPointerExceptions. The unit tests might not run properly. If such a situation arises it will be appropriated to move these clean-up operations to a separate method that will be called explicitly by the developer. 68
pt.digitalis.dif.codegen.entities.MockupRedirectionStage Line
Delete this after test completion System.out.println("\n\n ****** Entering MockupRedirectionStage execute()!!"); 34
Delete this after test completion System.out.println(context.getView().getTarget()); System.out.println("\n\n ****** Exiting MockupRedirectionStage execute()!!"); 42
pt.digitalis.dif.codegen.templates.StageCGTemplate Line
Refactor the IParameterImpl so that we can access the parameter list with initializing a StageInstance parameters.initialize(this); 314
lazyStageProxyInitialization is generating errors 457
pt.digitalis.dif.codegen.util.ClassEnhancerImpl Line
call the appropriate method on the ValidatorManager Throw UnsupportedOpertationException to comply with Java standards and warn user of unimplemented feature. 446
for the persist annotation 660
Implement this. Wait for the User/Group Manager String groupVisibility = persistValues.get(AnnotationMemberTags.PERSIST_GROUP_VISIBILITY).toString(); 675
for the formConfigurable annotation 680
for the rule annotation 688
for the rules annotation 701
Implement @Validator 716
for parent group... 817
all groups and create inexisting ones... 905
pt.digitalis.dif.codegen.util.DEMLoaderHelper Line
if any of the DEM Annotations is on the class's annotations 230
pt.digitalis.dif.codegen.util.DEMLoaderHelperTest Line
Test this method on a web AS context. To do so, create a servlet that calls DEMLoaderHelper#getDEMEntityClassesInPackage() directly 52
pt.digitalis.dif.codegen.util.EntityUtils Line
if id generation is needed... 88
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.AbstractChAL Line
s the original request. It can be used to check if a particular request is valid for the channel. It may also perform other validations, as the request parameters integrity. 148
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.AbstractDIFDispatcher Line
the user permissions to run a given stage. The method is defined with protected scope to allow overriding on the subclasses. 192
s the session and the stage. This method always runs. To avoid overriding on base classes it is declared <code>final</code>. Session validation includes checking if the stage is active and hasn't timed out. Stage validation includes checking if the stage is registrable and if so checks if the license is valid. 992
the user credentials 1067
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.ExceptionHandlers Line
rmation to the request and redirect to the handler stage. 155
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.interfaces.IDIFContext Line
Luis: Check if this setter should exist. 257
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.interfaces.IDIFSession Line
s if session has timed out. 88
s if the session has a logged user 95
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.interfaces.IModelManager Line
if the model is enable 31
if the model is up to date 39
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.objects.ClientDescriptor Line
s if a given language is supported by the client. 187
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.objects.ControllerExecutionStep Line
request in native channel form 20
the request 32
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.objects.NavigationHistoryImpl Line
Should we save the parameters also? If not the result may differ from the previous response 111
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.security.managers.AuthenticationManagerTest Line
Add a test with another user to see that it logs the new user // Login the same client with a different user. Will keep current user authenticated assertTrue(authManager.logIn(CLIENT_ID, BAD_USER_ID, BAD_USER_PASS).getID().equals(USER_ID)); 83
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.security.managers.AuthorizationManagerTest Line
entries... 492
entries... 514
access to a nonexistent stage 703
access to an inaccessible stage (access was not granted to this group or it's ancestors) 706
access to a nonexistent stage 946
access to an inaccessible stage (access was not granted to this user, to it's profile or it's groups) 949
that nor the group nor the user have access to the stage 954
that both group and user have access 980
that both group and user have access 987
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.security.managers.IAuthenticationManager Line
s if a given user is already authenticated on the Authentication Module. 26
When integrating External Authentication/Authorization/Identity servers like LDAP, Kerberos and others this may change a bit. See these APIs for good candidates for implementing these needs: 28
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.security.managers.IAuthorizationManager Line
s if a group can access a given stage. 201
s if the group can access a given application. Will parse the DEM for inherited grants 217
s if the group can access a given service. Will parse the DEM for inherited grants 230
s if a group can access to a given stage. 243
s if the public can access to a given entity identified with a type and ID. 256
s if the public can access a given application. 267
s if the public can access a given service. 276
s if the public can access a given stage. 285
s if a user can access to a given entity identified with a type and ID. 294
s if the user can access a given application. Will parse the DEM for inherited grants 310
s if the user can access a given service. Will parse the DEM for inherited grants 323
s if the user can access a given stage. Will parse the DEM for inherited grants 336
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.security.managers.IIdentityManager Line
s if a parameter exists. 92
s if a group exists on the manager. 454
s if the supplied password matches the one defined for a user with a given ID. 465
s if a given user belongs to a given group. 485
s if a given user belongs to a given group. 498
s if a user exists on the manager. 632
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.security.managers.ISessionManager Line
s if a given session is registered on the framework. 26
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.security.managers.SessionManagerTest Line
for session 83
for the correct user in session 96
for session 103
for bad session 106
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.security.managers.impl.AbstractAuthorizationManagerImpl Line
the user and check for it's presence in the repository 140
for access grants 175
if it's the entity has public access 194
direct access grant 205
each one for access (grandparents and great-grandparents and the like are checked in this loop since the execution flow will pass here and pick the parents of each group 218
for access grants 243
public access for the entity 263
direct grant 274
user profile access... 280
if a group has access granted to entity 308
if a group has access granted to entity 321
fsouto check this exception 630
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.security.managers.impl.AbstractIdentityManager Line
that user exists 158
that user exists 172
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.security.objects.ACLEntry Line
ownership... 116
object 123
s if this is a default entry. 205
s if this entry is enabled. 215
s if it is a group entry. 225
s if the entry has public access. 235
s if it is a user entry. 245
pt.digitalis.dif.controller.security.objects.IUserAuthorization Line
s if the user can access a given resource. 26
s if the user can access a given stage. Will parse the DEM for inherited grants 37
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.DEMAnnotationLogic Line
Primary()). 100
All this should be in the inspection utils utility classes. Move it there. 163
if id generation is needed... 296
if id generation is needed... 330
if it's the default provider and proceed accordingly 358
if id generation is needed... 378
if id generation is needed... 420
Create Unit tests for this annotation when the ValidatorManager is implemented 465
This validatorManager does not exist. Determine what this implementation should be. 473
The invocation of other classes is slow to compile in Javassist. This line is taking 50 to 100 times more to compile than all other ones. 794
s if a given annotation can be used with another. 1255
s if a given annotation is primary. 1380
s if a given set of access flags matches a static member. 1394
s if a given set of access flags matches a static member. 1409
s if the entities referred on the annotation parameters are valid on the DEM context. 1558
s if a given class message file exists. Only works if DiF is in DEBUG mode. 1612
s that the attribute is non-private. 1680
s the use of primary annotations on a given attribute. 1705
use with the the present annotation 1742
s the use of primary annotations on a given class. 1753
use with the the present annotation 1788
s the use of primary annotations on a given method. 1799
use with the the present annotation 1835
s the usage scope of attribute annotations. 1846
scope 1866
linkedToForm 1891
Uncomment after bug #9863 1926
ViewExistence(attribute.getName(), attribute.getParentClassName(), attribute.getAnnotations()); 1927
Uncomment after bug #9863 1944
ViewExistence(null, clazz.getFQName(), clazz.getAnnotations()); 1945
s the use of the annotation on a given attribute. Validation includes checking if multiple primary annotations are used, if the scope is correct, if the annotation members provide information consistent with the DEM and if any other specific rules apply. 1975
s the use of the annotation on a given class. Validation includes checking if multiple primary annotations are used, if the scope is correct, if the annotation members provide information consistent with the DEM and if any other specific rules apply. 2002
Scope(clazz); 2016
s the use of the annotation on a given method. Validation includes checking if multiple primary annotations are used, if the scope is correct and if any other specific rules apply. 2022
Scope(method); 2035
s if the received set of annotations contains the 2040
s if a given primary annotation has the 'yieldTo' member value and if it contains a given annotation name. 2095
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.DIFRegistryTest Line
Uncomment these tests. The DIFRegistry does not have unitary tests, although it has a good coverage 20
Complete with appropriate assert 88
Complete with appropriate assert 91
Complete with appropriate assert 94
Complete with appropriate assert 112
Complete with appropriate assert 114
Complete with appropriate assert 117
Complete with appropriate assert 120
Complete with appropriate assert 138
Complete with appropriate assert 140
Complete with appropriate assert 143
Complete with appropriate assert 146
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.EntityTest Line
Remove comments when validators are implemented ClassHolder validatorClass = new ClassHolder(VALIDATOR_FQN); assertEquals(Entity.getEntityTypeFromClass(validatorClass), Entity.VALIDATOR); final String validatorID = Entity.getID(this.validator, validatorClass.getUniqueID()); assertTrue(validatorID.contains(VALIDATOR_TAG)); assertTrue(validatorID.contains(VALIDATOR_FQN.toLowerCase())); 119
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.annotations.metaannotations.BindToPrimary Line
Should allow for simple class names, defaulting to the current package. Also allow the use of: - "#BasePackage#.entities.ApplicationDefinition - "#BasePackage#.Application - "#Entities#.ApplicationDefinition - "#Parameter#.Parameter - "#Stage#.ErrorView 39
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.annotations.metaannotations.ExclusiveWith Line
Should allow for simple class names, defaulting to the current package. Also allow the use of: - "#BasePackage#.entities.ApplicationDefinition - "#BasePackage#.Application - "#Entities#.ApplicationDefinition - "#Parameter#.Parameter - "#Stage#.ErrorView 39
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.annotations.metaannotations.Primary Line
Should allow for simple class names, defaulting to the current package. Also allow the use of: - "#BasePackage#.entities.ApplicationDefinition - "#BasePackage#.Application - "#Entities#.ApplicationDefinition - "#Parameter#.Parameter - "#Stage#.ErrorView 44
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.interfaces.IStage Line
s if the current form has a validation logic handler for the given form 171
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.interfaces.IStageInstance Line
s if a given feature is active/present 132
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.managers.IMessageManager Line
s if a given language is supported. 187
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.managers.IParameterManager Line
s if the given className is a supported parameter type 103
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.managers.MessageManagerTest Line
Uncomment test when bug #9201 is solved. 205
that the message was changed assertEquals(messageManager.collectEntityMessagesFromRepository(CustomMessageMockupClass.class).getMessages() .get(CHANGED_MESSAGE_KEY), UPDATED_MESSAGE_TEXT); 222
that the message was changed assertEquals(messageManager.collectEntityMessagesFromRepository(CustomMessageMockupClass.class).getMessages(EN) .get(CHANGED_MESSAGE_KEY), UPDATED_MESSAGE_TEXT); assertEquals(messageManager.collectEntityMessagesFromRepository(CustomMessageMockupClass.class).getMessages(PT) .get(CHANGED_MESSAGE_KEY), UPDATED_MESSAGE_TEXT_PT); 235
that the message was changed 284
that the message was changed 296
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.managers.ParameterManagerTest Line
the parameter values after the stage has executed 388
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.managers.impl.AbstractMessageManager Line
Might be useful to implement a system to check that "en-gb" and "en" are the same language 235
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.managers.impl.DEMManagerImpl Line
Try to see if one should cache the lists of entities so not to search all of them for ownership 27
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.managers.impl.MessageManagerImpl Line
rm the user about message processing 365
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.managers.impl.RegistrationManagerImpl Line
registrable information tag 33
s if there are persistent configurations in the repository 68
s the persistent repository for saved registrations. 75
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.managers.impl.UsageIssuesManagerImpl Line
if the given UID exists, if not create it 84
issue UID if defined. Prevent duplicate reportings... 91
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.ILicense Line
s if the current license has expired 39
s if the current license has an expiration date 56
s if the current license has expired 63
s if it is registered 70
s if the element is registrable 77
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.LicenseImpl Line
s if the key has the correct format. 464
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.ParameterErrorsTest Line
Complete these tests 143
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.ParameterTest Line
Implement this... 375
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.messages.MessageList Line
s if a given message is contained on the list. 106
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters.constraints.IParameterConstraint Line
s if the parameter attribute is of a supported class for this constraint to be used 41
s the parameter value passed in it's native type 50
s the parameter value passed as a String 61
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters.constraints.impl.numeric.AbstractNumericParameterConstraint Line
method with the value converted to a Double 47
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters.errors.ParameterErrors Line
s if errors exist. 201
s if errors exist. 217
s if errors exist. Will ignore all errors related with partial submit of a form. Required fields not submited. But validating errors in the fields that were filled. 236
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters.rules.ParameterRuleDependent Line
Implement this: Comparison for any object?!?!? 255
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters.types.AbstractParameter Line
This will fail since the value is not kept through all user instances 380
Implement persistence. Should read the value if available from the repository. 528
Check the problem of several copies of the same user so the parameter is not kept between requests 668
This will fail since the value is not kept through all user instances 885
Persist to persistent repository 902
a parameter value on type, constraints, validators and rules, if applied. 946
all constraints 967
all validators 979
all rules 992
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters.types.BigDecimalParameter Line
Create a floating point constraint. This will not pick up the floating point errors 115
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters.types.DocumentParameter Line
Implement the deletion for images 255
Implement the deletion for files 256
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters.types.DoubleParameter Line
Create a floating point constraint. This will not pick up the floating point errors 116
pt.digitalis.dif.dem.objects.parameters.validators.IParameterValidator Line
Implement this feature 16
s the given value 19
pt.digitalis.dif.ioc.DIFCoreSanityCheckModule Line
Add sanity check tests. No test so far! 22
pt.digitalis.dif.ioc.DIFDefaultModulesConfiguration Line
Luis: Add these contributions that do not have implementations in the Core module. 182
Luis: Must add to the configurations persistence the selected module, for future backwards compatibility addDefaultIfAvailable(IContentManager.class, null); addDefaultIfAvailable(IDocumentRepositoryManager.class, null); 183
pt.digitalis.dif.sanitycheck.manager.TestMethodDefinition Line
the return type, as TestResult... 79
pt.digitalis.dif.utils.extensions.ICaptcha Line
s the submited captcha value 43
pt.digitalis.dif.utils.extensions.cms.AbstractContentManager Line
the access in a list of content items 94
the access in a list of nodes 123
s if group has access to the content 826
s if one of the group in the list has access to the content 863
s if one of the groups has access to the content 886
s if group has access to thentent 943
s if one of the groups has access to the node 975
s if user has access to the node 999
s if user has access to the node 1039
s name and path 1387
if it is a path 1392
pt.digitalis.dif.utils.extensions.cms.IContentManager Line
s if group has access to the content 393
s if user has access to the content 408
s if user has access to the content 423
s if one of the group has access to the node 438
s if user has access to the node 452
pt.digitalis.dif.utils.identity.tests.AbstractIdentityManagerImplTest Line
Waiting for Pagination bug resolution Pagination pagination = new Pagination(1, numElements); assertEquals(identityManagerImpl.getGroups(pagination).size(), numElements); 424
Waiting for Pagination bug resolution pagination = new Pagination(1, 2); assertEquals(identityManagerImpl.getGroups(pagination).size(), 2); 428
Waiting for Pagination bug resolution for (int i = 1; i <= numElements; i++) { pagination = new Pagination(i, 1); assertEquals(identityManagerImpl.getGroups(pagination).size(), 1); } 432
Waiting for Pagination bug resolution Pagination pagination = new Pagination(1, numElements); assertEquals(identityManagerImpl.getUsers(pagination).size(), numElements); 500
Waiting for Pagination bug resolution for (int i = 1; i <= numElements; i++) { pagination = new Pagination(i, 1); assertEquals(identityManagerImpl.getUsers(pagination).size(), 1); } 504
Waiting for Pagination bug resolution assertEquals(identityManagerImpl.getUsersByAttributes(attribToSearch, page).size(), 4); 1021
Waiting for Pagination bug resolution assertEquals(identityManagerImpl.getUsersByAttributes(attribToSearch, page).size(), 2); 1028
pt.digitalis.dif.utils.mail.MailSender Line
Add the code to set a plan text alternative to the HTML content... // Set the email message plain text alternative body... messagePart = new MimeBodyPart(); messagePart.setText(body); multipart.addBodyPart(messagePart); multipart.setSubType("alternative"); 292
pt.digitalis.dif.utils.templates.TemplateUtils Line
Must define the correct codepage to load. Is not picking up the ISO-8859-1!!! 223