
Target: Method of a POJO annotated with @StageDefinition.

Description: Marks the annotated method as the stage's "main" method. If no such method exists the stage is not executed and the user is redirected to the view.

Remarks: If this annotation is inexistent and no view is defined a "null stage" warning is issued and the execution halts. There are several signatures allowed for the annotated method. See the examples for a comprehensive description.

JavaDoc: Click here

Attributes: N/A


@StageDefinition(ID="stage1" service="aServiceID" channel="http")
public class Stage1
    // Void return, no arguments

    void executeMethod() {


@StageDefinition(ID="stage2" service="aServiceID" channel="http")
public class Stage2
    // ViewObject return, no arguments
    // If null return the default view will be used.
    // If non null return, the controller will use the returned view to render the result

    ViewObject executeMethod() {


@StageDefinition(ID="stage3" service="aServiceID" channel="http")
public class Stage3
    // ViewObject return, IDIFContext argument (the context is injected automatically)

    ViewObject executeMethod(IDIFContext ctx) {


@StageDefinition(ID="stage4" service="aServiceID" channel="http")
public class Stage4
    // Void return, IDIFContext argument (the context is injected automatically)

    void executeMethod(IDIFContext ctx) {


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