
Target: Method of a POJO annotated with @StageDefinition.

Description: Marks the annotated method as the stage's termination method. This method always runs after stage execution.

Remarks: There are several signatures allowed for the annotated method. See the examples for a comprehensive description.

JavaDoc: Click here

Attributes: N/A


public class aStage

    // Void return, no arguments
    void finalizeMethod() {
        // do something...

public class aStage

    // Void return, IDIFContext argument
    void finalizeMethod(IDIFContext ctx) {
        // do something...

public class aStage

    // boolean return, IDIFContext argument
    boolean finalizeMethod(IDIFContext ctx) {
        return true;

public class aStage

    // boolean return, no arguments
    boolean finalizeMethod() {
        return true;

See also:

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